Tablo Legacy (Windows) Connecting Forever

I’ve just dusted off my OG Tablo device (one too many YTTV price increases). It’s been working PERFECTLY for weeks and today, I am unable to connect via browser (both Chrome and Edge on Windows 11). This was working last I tried several days ago.
I have tried the following:

  • cleared browser cache & cookies
  • powered off/on tablo
  • powered off/on router
  • tried a different windows 11 machine
  • I can connect from my iOS device both from the app and from chrome browser (
    The browser app finds the tablo OK but then just spins on connecting. The legacy app on iOS works with no issues (same LAN/Wifi network). Tablo is WiFi connected and I can ping it from the windows machines with no issues.

Updating with more info - has also started responding with “You need to use HTTPS” - even though I AM using HTTP. Cannot seem to get around that error with Chrome.

Any suggestions on what else to try appreciated.

This should workaround the Google Chrome https issue:

Just tried it, and it still works.

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I just use the Windows app for the legacy Tablo on my PC. Works very well.

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Thanks - turns out, I had installed it but forgotten. Works great.

Looking at the Microsoft Store Windows App version, which I just installed, I see the HTML App is v1.9.9 build 227 [202107161457] and the Browser App is v1.9.35 build 1041 [202402051332]. This appears to make the Windows App version 3.5 years old. I’m very surprised it’s still working. I’m now using it too.