Tablo Guide - thoughts and questions

The annual option is a good compromise.

I realize my situation is different from most because of where I live. I’ve been following the #PSVue tag on Twitter, and posted a couple whiny responses when people tweeted about getting the high end option (I chose 2nd tier) for less than I’m paying. Someone today responded that PSVue only streams local live television in 3 markets - NYC, LA, and Chicago. Plus I have all the broadcast channels, which not everyone has. And I’m only paying a little bit more. So okay, I’ll stop whining.

Sony will probably bring the full service nationwide eventually (it involves thousands of separate negotiations), but few people have it now, and the ETA is unknown. Today, only OTA can provide network and local television for most people.

I didn’t have PSVue when I bought the Tablo - I didn’t know it existed. I no longer really need OTA, but I like it because of the diginets that broadcast classic TV - MeTV, Antenna TV, Decades, and others. Unfortunately, these small digital broadcasters, which use the subchannels of major broadcasters, are the most likely channels to disappear as a result of the FCC incentive auction. If a significant number of broadcasters sell their spectrum rights and choose to share a frequency with another broadcaster, these will take over the subchannels and the little diginets will be pushed out.

We don’t yet know what the result of the incentive auction will be. Participation is voluntary, and most broadcasters are keeping their decision whether to participate secret. But we will know soon. The reverse auction starts in 8 days. The FCC says the whole process could take a few weeks or a few months.

My guess is that there will be a lot of participation (with the exception of major networks in large markets), the process will take months rather than weeks, and will result in significant change - some channels disappearing (especially in rural areas), many channels moving, and loss of the diginets to make room for the new frequency sharers. I could be wrong, of course.

The changes to come will be announced at the end of the incentive auction. Then the broadcasters have 39 months plus $1.75 billion from the auction proceeds to implement the changes (which some say is neither enough time nor money - I can’t evaluate that).

If things proceed according to the current schedule, the reorganization will be completed in 3.5 years (though some changes could occur sooner). OTA will still exist, but with fewer choices - perhaps a little fewer, perhaps a lot fewer. The diginets broadcasting classic TV are likely to disappear from OTA, perhaps instead streaming content. In more rural areas, the loss of choice may be more serious - or not. We’ll have to wait and see. When I was googling this, I found some local newspapers in small towns with detailed coverage of how the town would be affected. So some people might be able to get advance information this way.

The future of OTA depends on what OTA looks like after the transition (which depends on what the broadcasters decided to do based on how they assessed the future), and how that affects the market. If a lot of choice remains, viewers will stay and ATSC 3.0 is more likely to be implemented, which will keep OTA going for another generation. (On the downside, ATSC 3.0 is incompatible with current tuners, including the Tablo.) If there is significant loss of choice, there will be significant loss of viewership, broadcasters will not want to invest in ATSC 3.0, and OTA will disappear much sooner (though still not immediately).

If you’re not in a market where you can get live streaming of network and local TV (which few people are - PSVue offers it only in NYC, LA, and Chicago) OTA is a necessity for cord cutters and will surely be around for at least 3 years, so anyone buying a Tablo lifetime guide will recoup the cost.

The concern for me personally is that the diginets - the only part of OTA I watch since I get the rest through PSVue (I’m in NYC) could disappear from OTA very soon. The diginets would have to vacate for the broadcasters to work on sharing the frequency with a different broadcaster, and that work will begin in just a few months. See my problem? But my situation is unique.

Have I redeemed myself? I made some people angry when I said I made a mistake in purchasing the Tablo, nice as it is. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I was just sharing what I learned as I was reading. My situation is not the majority situation, and I am not criticizing Tablo, which I think is a great product.

Checked out what all the excitement is about PlayStation Vue. $$45/mo for all those crappy cable channels that I don’t miss one iota since giving TWC the finger… A saving over traditional cable providers I suppose but no big deal unless you’re seriously hooked on cable TV.

I’m hooked on cable channels - I admit it. Can’t help it. I’m a news junky and it’s an election season. If I couldn’t watch the presidential debates live, I’d go crazy.

Wait a sec.
I don’t have cable nor satellite TV, and watch the presidential debates via OTA.
And then Saturday get to watch them again in a more understandable way via Saturday Night Live, also via OTA. :wink:


If you’ve been closely following the Pres debates you’re half way to crazy already. I get more than enough adnausem via the networks. Your stomach must be cast iron. Grateful for Tablo DVR for recording and skimming thru the highlights. If I want to watch a bunch of jokers fighting dirty I’ll take a trip to the old neighborhood in Brooklyn.

Well, yes, the election is driving me crazy. Watching it makes me anxious, but when I don’t watch it, I worry about what’s going on and get even more anxious.

And then I watch Johnny Carson over OTA and I feel better for a while.

Not all of them. Most of the debates are broadcast only on cable channels. I checked this out when I decided I’d had it with being gouged by TWC and had to find a way to cut the cord.

A friend told me about Sling TV and I was originally going to combine that with OTA and Tablo. Then I stumbled upon PSVue, still in beta at the time. It’s much better than Sling - better streaming, more channels, DVR.

I pay a monthly fee, but it’s $100/month less than I used to pay - that’s a big savings. And very little of my monthly fee goes to TWC. I loathe TWC. They have a monopoly in my area and have been gouging and torturing me for years.

It’s quite the spectacle. Terrifying.

Where do you live now?

Seal Beach, CA. Ah the sweet life.
TWC - last of the Robber Barons. I’m agnostic but pray for their demise.


From Brooklyn to California. Woo hoo! I lived in Brooklyn when I first came to NYC - Park Slope. Now I live in a rent-stabilized apartment in the West Village. The building manager periodically tries to buy me out, but I told him I plan to die here.

TWC is the most hated company in America. Seriously. There was a survey.

There was a problem in the node serving my area that caused my internet to blink out intermittently. It took them 5 years to fix!! I spent so many hours talking to Level 3 tech support and tech fore people that I learned enough to diagnose the cause myself. I told the last fore person who came here that I was sure the problem was in the node because it was always upstream noise, etc. She looked at me like, “How do you know all this?” But she listened to me (finally someone listened!) and she had a outside person check the node. Then she emailed me that evening to say I was right - it was the node, and they were fixing it! It was like Christmas. I’ve had no problems since.

For quite a while I had a steeply discounted bill because of the constant service disruption. When TWC put me back on the regular billing rate, I nearly had a heart attack and cancelled my cable TV. I wish I could cancel the internet, too, but I have no other options.

By the way… you mentioned “blowhard” John Dvorak? I know him well. We worked together at PC Magazine. :relaxed:

So… is he like that in real life? Or is that just his “stage” persona?

Inquiring minds need to know…

Well, um… (hesitating because this is a public forum)…

He has a strong personality, very direct. Perhaps not always extremely tactful. But not outright mean. I used to see him at the PC Magazine offices now and then (he didn’t live in New York), but mostly I saw him every year at Comdex. There were tons of press receptions and parties and we’d all hang out together. He’s fun to be around, interesting to talk to. But he can be a bit scathing if he thinks someone is an idiot. He definitely says what he thinks. He’s very confident - not a lot of self-doubt there.

I actually haven’t read very many of his columns. I read that one I posted here, of course. It didn’t sound too blow-hardy. Where does that impression come from? Have you seen him speak, or something? I think of him more as tactless and without a filter than “blowhard”.

If you and I were having a beer together, I’d tell you the story of what John said to me when I was first hired at PC Magazine, but I can’t type it here.

Well, blowhard wasn’t the appellation I would have given him… Although I guess the sense meaning exceptionally talkative would apply… :slightly_smiling:

Just one more TWC horror tale. The list is endless.

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Back to the original topic… It’s decision time for me. I did some searching around the forum and saw the reports of billing problems. Seems like buying anything but the lifetime guide is asking for trouble.

Yearly is fine too. If there is an issue, it’s once a year lol

I did monthly for a few months first with no problem.

After much indecision, I bought the lifetime guide. The upfront outlay hurts, but it’s less money in the end.

I did monthly and have since 2014. After purchasing all the hardware, I didn’t want to tack on another $150.

I hear you! I didn’t, either. That’s why I waffled for 30 days. But I tend to keep things for a while, and if I keep this for 3 years, this is the cheapest route.