Anyone here NOW experiencing extreme command(clicks) delay with the TabloTV guide, using Google’s Chromcast streaming device? If I do too many clicks in succession, it hangs and drops me out of Tablo. To scroll Guide, I found 3 clicks is all it can handle, before proceeding again. This is happening on all of my TVs using the Google stick. Roku/Fire sticks are just fine.
Chromecast HD - App->1.5.2
Tablo Firmware - 2.2.54-2433716
Yes, it started since v1.5.0. Prior you could hold up or down and page through the guide quickly. Now you must click slowly if you want to get past 3 rows without crashing.
Just for grins, would you check to make sure that your DNS settings on your Chromecast matches your router settings? If they’re the same, then disregard the rest. Restart the Tablo and your router and check performance again.
When I first started to use the Tablo,I had the same issues with my Fire Stick. If I scrolled too fast, the Tablo app would crash back to the Amazon home page. Someone here suggested that I remove some of the channels, and that helped a lot. When I first installed the Tablo and did a channel scan, I had about 150 channels. I removed the channels that I was not interested in, and now I have about 75 channels in the guide. The guide no longer crashes, and although it is a little clunky, it works much better now.
Guess I should have stated that it is also problematic on my other Chromecast connected TV. With DHCP set as default, it enherits all network info from router, on LAN login. Will at some point, reset all at once, but these devices have been recycled in last two weeks.