Tablo Gen4 startup fails at least 2 times at 6pm EST

@TabloEngineering @TabloSupport

Do you have enough server horse power to handle increasiing loads on your servers in the evenings? I’m sure your customer base has increased over the last 8-12 months. More people would be trying to log in for evening viewing. Are you accurately anticipating server needs for this ever increasing load?

Almost every day now at 6pm, I have to try at least 3 times to get Tablo Gen4 to load up to view TV. Are you keeping up with the actual customer load to provide a good customer experience?

I hope to hear from back from someone @TabloTV.

You mean all of those 10’s of millions of people that live in the Eastern Time Zone are affected everyday at exactly 6 PM. Wouldn’t it also affect the millions of people that live in the Pacific Time Zone but at 3 PM?

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There seems to be an issue with the apps where each hour change can cause the device to glitch. Best temporary solution is to open the app a couple minutes earlier.

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That’s not a solution @269587. That was call a “work-around” back in my tech days of 40+ years.

That’s my observation @zippy. AND you answered your own question, if the west coast was at home at 3pm.

I’m home at 3 PM. I don’t remember seeing it on my rokus. I’ll check again when the new “coming soon” roku release appears.

I guess the main point here was that i used the wrong wording… Thanks for coming up with your own workaround.

About 6pm, is when we start watching/recording TV and even let it play in the background.

I noticed some slowness/lag on first load, but it has been working through. I’m on the east coast too.

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As our user base has grown, it has certainly put more of a load on our servers, but our team has been and will continue to be hard at work to ensure we scale as efficiently as possible.


Any plans to make the 4th gens less internet-reliant? This would take the pressure off of your server at those hour changes and likely help increase your user base.

@TabloTV thanks for that feedback. I can certainly see the impact of your increasing user base and the load issues that have occurred in recent months, particularly in prime time.

The key is staying ahead of the curve. Good luck and (again) thanks for the feedback.

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I’m having the same issue today at 4pm MDT (6pm EDT)

Just how much guide data is kept on the Tablo? The old ones only update overnight. Don’t remember if it survives a reboot or is stored on the drive or some NVRAM.

It sounds like the Gen4 only hold a few hours at most? Or is DVR scheduling also server based (like Comcast X1)? If the load is due to updating the guide every hour, then maybe expand how much is held. The servers could assign each device a window to next update, based on expected loads, to prevent slowdowns.

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You mean you don’t find it exciting to click on a FAST channel show icon and have it appear to be searching the universe for the data. When in reality it should, in the worse case, be on the actual tablo unit.

We’ve been working on it. We’ve made some small improvements already, and there will be more to come.


Thanks for staying on top of that and keeping your customers informed

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That’s great. I appreciate the update about this.

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