Tablo Exporter - Export Tablo Recordings

Ok version 0.03b is updated and available at

Don’t forget to get the latest version of ffmpeg at

Also make sure you have the latest Java from

This version includes the ability to sort the shows by Date Aired.

Extract the zip file into a directory of your choosing.

You can run by double clicking on TabloExport.jar or run from a command line using java -jar (dir you put the jar)TabloExport.jar

Let me know if you have any issues or questions

Sorted by Date Aired

Sorted By Title

@Jestep I’m thinking that I really need to find a reason to use your software. :wink:

I can’t for the life of me see why I would ever use this (I know that others do, it is just not how I use my Tablo or watch TV) but it looks so cool I want to play with it.

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too funny :stuck_out_tongue:

This looks like fantastic software. Thanks for giving this to the community, Jestep. :smile:


Is it just me or sorting by date doesn’t take the year into account? I have recordings done in June 2014 mixed with those done in June 2015.

Thanks for that catch, changed it to have year in front of month…

Ok version 0.03b is updated and available at

Don’t forget to get the latest version of ffmpeg at

Also make sure you have the latest Java from

This version includes the ability to sort the shows by Date Aired.

Extract the zip file into a directory of your choosing.

You can run by double clicking on TabloExport.jar or run from a command line using java -jar (dir you put the jar)TabloExport.jar

Let me know if you have any issues or questions

Sorted by Date Aired

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The download link (above) doesn’t work and the old link seems to have the same version. The sort by date function does not work after downloading again.

Ahh dang it, stupid copy and paste adds some numbers at the end of the links :frowning:

Fixed it

The app also has a problem sorting episodes. The episodes are sorted alphabetically instead of numerically. For example, I have episodes 10 through 19 sorted between episode 1 and 2 instead of appearing after episode 9.

Thanks for creating this app.

It’s because it is text sorted not numeric,

That’s what I thought.

I also have a TV program that the app can’t extract. It plays fine on the Tablo.

Could it be a problem with the metadata?

Yes it could be, try running via command line java -jar pathtoTabloExport.jar

Se if there are any errors

Also what show?

Okay, I don’t get any errors running from the command line.

The TV program title is “The Story of Frozen: Making a Disney Animated Classic” that was broadcast last December.

Ok, when you run it via the command line you should see an http:// string that gets printed out. with meta.txt at the end. Put that in a browser and send the output to me via PM

So first time trying this and it is looking good so far.
I love the fact you can Queue up multiple programs to convert as this will really be a great way to free up some space on my drive.

I just updated my version of Java and ran things straight from the icon.
A little confused at first about the ffmpeg file but figured it out.
Looking through the thread to try and discover any quirks or things that I might need to be aware of but this looks very promising.
Thanks for providing this resource as I have been using the VLC extension in the past.

UPDATE: Quick question.
I am transferring the recording to my office computer and my wife is trying to watch on the Roku and it seems very slow when pulling the Live TV information down. Just wondering if this application impacts bandwidth of the Tablo?

Best regards,

If you were exporting multiple shows it probably would have an affect. Maybe even a single show. I would suggest any exporting be done off time.


First I would like to thank all those that have taken the time to create software and scripts that enable us to offload videos from our Tablo’s.

IMHO, Each of the different applications have greatly impressed me (I have tried them all) and each seems to offer features that I feel Tablo should have included in it’s own software/interface.

As for the Tablo Exporter:

I like the addition of a GUI interface to simplify the offloading process.

I was wondering if there is any ability to also download the closed captions that Tablo records (like the other apps/scripts)?


Then a question to all regarding the apps that do let us download the CC. I notice that VLC lets me view these, but am unable to get Windows Media Player to show them, regardless of the settings. Any way to do this? Also how would I view the offloaded videos on my Roku with the CC enabled?

Currently I use either Playon (yea I know a flawed program) or Plex (and afraid I have issues with my Plex server not quite working right - one day I may actually figure out why).

Thx again!
