Tablo Exporter - Export Tablo Recordings

Jestep - here’s some further observations using your cool exporter for a while.

Whenever I do multiple export I still get a false “completed” show at the beginning of the export queue. My workaround is to immediately cancel all, clear the queue menu and click export again - everything’s fine after that until I select and export another batch of multiple export shows/programs.

No error messages, just a quick “completed” Status of one program that’s not really completed.

Something else I noticed today after spending the past couple days deleting unwanted shows/programs in Chrome browser. I can see several older shows/programs deleted via Tablo Chrome browser GUI still showing up in Video Exporter. Weird?

I dunno if the files are really there or not? Maybe I should try exporting one that I know has been deleted in Tablo GUI and see what happens? I’ve gotta batch shows exporting at the moment but I’ll check when it’s completed and report back.

Thanks again!

EDIT to add - Oops, shows I thought had been deleted were actually still there. I was looking on Tablo recordings page and relying on the little number in the upper RH corner of the show picture. There were shows inside the folder that had been mark by Tablo as watched. Please ignore 2nd part of my post.

I have seen the first thing you mentioned and I think it had to do with the queue reloading. But I need to investigate further, just haven’t had the chance. Thanks!

I finally got the exporter working. I am missing several shows that I would like to export. Shark Tank and Late Show with David Letterman are not showing up in my list but you can clearly see them on the Tablo FireTV app in the pictures below. Shark Tank Episodes are not protected and the Late Show episodes are. Any plans to add the metadata to the files?


If you run from the command line you should be able to see the http call to get the show. This will help trouble shoot. Can you check that for Letterman and shark tank?

Can you type exactly what I need to try from the command line? I’m a graphic designer and my programming skills are nonexistent. :grin:

If you are using windows you need to go to a command line you should be able to Run cmd.exe

if Mac open a terminal window by going to search type terminal

On both you will run java -jar (path to jar file)/TabloExport.jar. Of cours backslash on Windows forward slash on Mac

Just pick the one recording and export. Let me know what you see

I am on a Mac and have no clue what I am doing.

Here’s the path and what I typed.

What else needs go there? Also, will this be fixed in a future update? If so, I can wait. Any plans on adding MetaData down the road?

java -jar in front of that no quotes required

tex x = 1170.000000 ps x = 1335.000000
Loading Data for ******************
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Error getting data for Unknown recording -
JSONObject[“jsonFromTribune”] not found.
Done Loading Data for *******************

ok take and send me a PM with what is returned. So we can move this to private messages

Updated App to include a few fixes and a couple new features:

Multiple output formats
Some MetaData saved to the output

You can download at

Also don’t forget to download the latest version of FFMPEG at

Once downloaded, extract all files/folders to a dir of your liking.

You can run by double clicking on the jar file or via command line via jar -jar (path to jar)TabloExport.jar

Let me know if you need any help or have issues.

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You would need to show me what you are seeing in MetaZ. The only metadata exported is Title and Comment.

Shows nothing. MetaZ don’t even know it’s a TV show. Before, the title and episode info would export in the name and it was sweet.

Also, if it was something already in your Queue, it would not pick it up.

I think you may misunderstand Metadata. Not the naming of the show. That is based on the data the Tablo has.

I had exported that Charlie Rose episode before so that may have been the issue i experienced. I am exporting a Letterman episode and it looks like it’s all good so far. I’ll let you know what shows up in MetaZ.

FYI, I just tried MetaZ on The Late Late Show With James Corden and MetaZ shows nothing however in VLC Player it shows the title and Description (Comment)
I am wondering how it actually works…

Looks like MetaZ does similar to MetaX which is lookup online and maybe that is why nothing shows up

I belive MetaZ is newer.

Here is what appeared:

This is my workflow. Here is the same episode that I had already completed manually including custom art:

Just installed this latest version (0.02d?). It would start for me on my Windows 7 x64 laptop. Once I switched back to version 0.02c everything is working fine. Haven’t changed anything else.