Tablo Exporter - Export Tablo Recordings

Hello, I saw a posting about whether Tablo Exporter supports closed captioning, but I didn’t see a reply. I am considering purchasing a Tablo but really want the ability to export the recordings (including closed captioning information) to my Mac in order to add to my iTunes library. Thanks for this great tool.

Not currently but it is in the works

hi there. im having difficulty seeing how i can reach the aforementioned screenshot to be able to export off the Tablo device using Java. certainly the Tablo Ripper doesn’t work on Window 7, as onco i put a show into the export queue the buttons never ungrey themselves foe the rip.

could you provide the full set of steps that would allow the novice to reach the point that you had using your method? even the link to the specific Java verso, as that too can be a mind field with the Oracle site.

frankly, id rather do this on a Mac since Microsoft is now making it impossible to get updates for Win7 , strong efforts to “push” everyone to Win10 - the new attempt to be a Mac.

When you go to

There should just be a single button to download java.

If not you would need to show me what you are getting…

And I am on Mac and that is what shows :wink:

If you are going to all downloads you should see something like this:

frankly, id rather do this on a Mac since Microsoft is now making it impossible to get updates for Win7 , strong efforts to “push” everyone to Win10 - the new attempt to be a Mac.

I use the SurLaTablo python script to extract shows from my Tablo. See this thread:

I do it in a cron job that saves the converted files into a Plex folder, where the Plex server automatically finds them and makes them available to stream. It’s all running on a Mac mini.

Hi there. I managed to stumble upon the exporter jar and the needed ffmpeg files at

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So did you get the java install also?

First off, THANK YOU. Excellent work. Second off, is it just me, or are there additional command line arguments we can tap into? Are these documented somewhere? I’d like to be able to:

  1. Limit my queue to one active at a time (2 simultaneous conversion are driving my Mac Mini up a wall)
  2. Up my max heap size if it’ll be helpful
  1. I will add that in, should have done it a while ago :wink:

  2. Don’t think it will help honestly.

Tablo Exporter Version 0.06a build 96

Includes new command line options:

usage: java -jar tabloexport.jar
-debug Debug the application
-threads How many threads to utilize on export

-threads is maximum of 2 currently and defaults to 2 unless set to 1.

This version is available at
Don’t forget to get the latest version of ffmpeg at
Also make sure you have the latest Java from
Extract the zip file into a directory of your choosing this goes for both ffmpeg and
You can run by double clicking on TabloExport.jar or run from a command line using java -jar (dir you put the jar)TabloExport.jar

Good knowledge. Excellent response time. I started looking into the program more, love it. So how do I set the following from the command line:

Episode(s) to create
Type of Quality Output
Flag Plex naming format… etc. :slightly_smiling:

I’d bash script the bejesus out of this thing off my Ubuntu Plex server.

Bahaha, have not done that :stuck_out_tongue:

I really love this - took a while to figure out how to install ffmpeg for OSX (I’m still an OSX noob in many respects).

Not sure if this is already in here and covered or not but - for OSX Users:

  1. Install XCode first.

  2. Open Xcode and agree to the agreement.

  3. Install ffmpeg:

  4. ffmpeg file: (mine was here) /usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/2.8.6/bin/ffmpeg

  5. Set your output folder.

I like to use this to save special TV shows I won’t want to lose. I also go through and cut out the commercials manually in Adobe Premiere.

Why do you need xcode???

I think it was to compile FFMPEG for OSX - not sure exactly why, but once I installed it. It all worked and jived.

Oh you can always just download the binaries at

Mouse over the apple, then select the statict builds for OS X Packages

No need to download the ffmpeg source :wink:

OK. Yeah I saw that. I just did not know what to do with it after that - is there an installer inside of it? It was a 7-zip compressed file. I couldn’t find an OSX compatible app to open it.

I think it is 7zip just another zip utility :wink:

The executables are inside

Yeah - I use it on Windows.

-Zip works in Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2012 / 2008 / 2003 / 2000 / NT. There is a port of the command line version to Linux/Unix.

Either way - I couldn’t find a “dummy-proof” way to get it on a Mac.