Tablo during an internet outage

My home internet is currently down. I have 4 Roku devices. 2 sticks and 2 smart TVs. Neither of the sticks and 1 of the smart TVs will connect to my Tablo. The message is they are not on the same network. The odd thing is my newest smart TV still connects to the Tablo after I tell it to proceed after the no internet message.

Someone asked if the AndroidTV will work during an internet outage.

Comcast went down last night. The ShieldTV could not even discover the tablotv’s. Both the ShieldTV and the Tablo’s have static IP addresses and are connected by ethernet. I am pretty sure when I first tested the ShieldTV and Tablotv it worked with the cable modem turned off. But that was several years and many firmware updates ago.

The Roku worked fine.

Local pihole dns server with a hosts file for local devices so dns will work locally, router has the same hosts file. Local NTP server, (pi with GPS hat). Roku, ShieldTV and Tablotv’s are on the same ip subnet.

Most Tablo apps have two ways to ‘find’ the Tablo on your network. First they will attempt to locate your Tablo by touching base with the home server at Tablo HQ. If that fails because the external internet is down, the app will fall back to its last known location on your home network.

However, the Tablo web app (at, and Tablo apps for LG Web OS, Samsung TIZEN, and Xbox One do not have secondary fallback discovery, so will not be able to locate your Tablo DVR if the internet is down or unavailable.

Note, “Most Tablo app” is undefined and doesn’t specify devices.

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