Tablo down. Again

It’s fine, not like I wanted to watch Survivor or anything. Or catch up on last night’s recording of The Rookie. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Six days of Tablo ownership, five instances when I wanted to use it where it was down at least half an hour.

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My husband actually said this happens on Wednesdays because everybody is trying to watch Survivor.

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And now it wants me to re-register :100::100::100:

Oh good lord, really??? :joy:

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This trick seems to be working to let you in to your Tablo from a Roku… but you might only get access to your recordings. For me, only some live TV stations showed up…

Rebooted it three times and it seems to work again.

Mine was acting up too for no reason at all. Fire TV, Google TV, iOS app, and Android app, nothing was completely connecting to the Tablo V4. I’ve power cycled it, power cycled my local network, and power cycled all my client devices, but it just came up partially showing the GUI, and other times just shows Retry, Retry, Retry. What a wonderful product. It should just work all the time.

But it’s finally working again. Unbelievable product.

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@TabloTV @TabloSupport @TabloEngineering @TabloCEO

With respect to these issues where the Gen 4 Tablo is not responding, is this related to the FAST portion of the Tablo and the servers which host the FAST channels and content? If it is, would it possible to write the software so that the OTA portion can function without the FAST portion? Perhaps the home page could have a splash announcement when the servers are unavailable but allow users to access their Live OTA channels and the DVR portion of the device? The information for those portions should be local on the device and there really doesn’t seem to be reason why they should not be accessible locally without server access and, perhaps, even with an internet outage the way the Legacy device functions?

To be locked out of the local portion of the device because of a server issue seems like an issue that should be solvable since a large part of the user experience should be accessible.


“If it is”?

Well, it had to be something external since I didn’t do anything and the Tablo v4 just came back to life in it’s own. Wow!

Why make a device that is in the consumer ‘CUT-THE-CORD’ category that apparently relies on a active internet connection to some internet services to function? After all, the fallback TV guide listings would be to use the two day guide being broadcast over-the-air by the broadcasters. I believe that they should at least put the external service connection status on their My Status - Tablo TV page so customers don’t start troubleshooting their local devices and network like I did when it is their Tablo services that are down.

I was considering upgrading the two-tuner to a four-tuner, but now I’ll probably be looking at something else if they don’t deal with this since my outside antenna and local network are up all the time.


I got into the recordings but it would not let me play them. Had to go to the computer / HDHR setup that I still have set up as a ‘backup’ recording device.