Tablo Connect and ASUS routers

Hi there I had recently got an asus rt-ax86u pro, and had major problems with the tablo “connect” feature that you can use a tablo away from home. I’ve set it up before but was getting major problems with this asus router. Any way the take away was, using the 2.5Gps port as my WAN Port was my first issue, which resolved open any ports what so ever. The 2nd issue took significantly longer apparently under the firewall setting “DOS Protection” feature will not allow the tablo to see my mobile device. So if your having problems this might be the cause, just an FYI as tablo support is unhelpful. All the best.

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Your post sounds like Tablo Support wasn’t helpful with your ASUS router settings.

Why would they be helpful with that?

Glad you figured it out, though.

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“Why would they be helpful with that?”

I first went to support and they just forwarded me the stock ‘how to open ports on your router’ page without any additional help/correspondence. I was really just trying to let them know incase they encountered someone with the same problem as asus has many routers and I’ve heard of other people having problems.

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That’s where this forum actually can provide better support than Tablo Support. Users helping other users with unique problems they have already encountered and hopefully solved. Tablo Support can’t be expected to be tech savvy on every piece of gear or combination of equipment that the end user might have. Conversely, a user on this forum just might have that experience and most users here are more than willing to try to help other users with their unique problems.


I gotcha bro… appreciate you clearing it up.