4th Gen Tablo, Roku Ultra, both updated with latest firmware and OS. I have the audio compatibility mode set, so at least my new recordings will play back.
The Tablo app won’t start up properly (it spins on the loading screen) unless I delete the app and then reinstall it. I can exit and restart the app within a short period of time, but after a longer period (e.g. overnight) it will no longer load again. Delete the app, restart it…and it works. Until the next time I try it.
I’ve got audio on the Roku set to Auto but I also tried Stereo. I also have digital audio format set to custom with Dolby Digital only (no DTS).
Having to delete and reinstall the app every time is obviously not a long term solution. Anybody have other ideas?
Now even deleting the app doesn’t work. And no, I tend to use the Home button to go back to the top. But how can I exit properly when it won’t even start now?
Try rebooting the Roku. That should clear up the cache.
If you just use the home button it tends to leaves portions of the app in memory and causes problems when you want to restart the app.
Rebooting the Roku didn’t work. Trying the app on a Roku where it had never been used also didn’t work. I had to reboot the Tablo.
I would understand if the Tablo app was not working on all devices, but it was fine on my iPhone and iPad. So, it’s specific to the Roku connection. And all the stuff about rebooting the Roku to clear the cache…why should that be necessary when literally no other app on my Roku has this issue? Why should the Home button somehow cause a problem for Tablo’s app but not for any of the other ~15 apps on my Roku?
Those are rhetorical questions/rants. It’s clear that the Roku app for Tablo needs work, so I just have to hope it will get it as we head towards version 1.0. Fewer changes to things like how series recordings are presented and more attention to having the thing work without a reboot would be appreciated.