I can record programs and movies on any of my OTA channels just fine, but if I try and record a movie on one of the streaming channels i.e.Grit Extra , I never get a recording, no errors, no listing in the failed recordings .
Are these streaming channels what are referred to as “FAST” channels?
We are supposed to be able to record content from them , right?
My Tablo is running 2.2.54, and my app is 1.6.0
Yes, all the FAST channels are recordable.
The Tablo has a separate set of tuners for OTA channels and the FAST channels. In fact, if you have the 2-tuner version it has two OTA tuners AND two FAST tuners. The 4-tuner versions have four of each. If I had to guess, I would say there is something wrong with the FAST tuners.
I would contact support.
You haven’t mentioned if you’re able to watch them live.
There is no real FAST tuner. It’s just an artificial limit on the number of Internet streams that are allowed.
Thanks for the replies. Interesting info .
Yes, I’m able to watch all the FAST channels just fine. Its when I browse through the guide, and select a movie, I press the “record” button, nothing out of the ordinary happens …but later on, (after the airing time) , there’s no recording.
Having said that, yesterday, I tried it again with just a random show on a FAST channel and it did record, so I don’t suspect anything major wrong… I’m going to play around with it some more and see if I can determine some sort of pattern for why it fails or records.
I have noticed this also. Certain FAST channels seem to have a problem with their guide data.
Dove and Stories by AMC seem to be the worst. They will have a show in their lineup with episodes under Other Seasons that when they get close to the day of airing just disappear.
I don’t know if it is Gracenotes in their usual ineptitude or if it is the channels themselves, but it is irritating
I think Tablo said earlier this year, they would be looking at an alternative to GraceNote.
In theory, yes we are supposed to be able to record from FAST channels. I have not had much success in doing so, though.
It is? I was under the impression that “some”, or perhaps just “some content” was not. Nice to know if it is universal to all Tablo supplied FAST channels. Maybe at some point, that wasn’t the case??
If you do contact support (https://support.tablotv.com/hc/en-us/#contact) please DM us the ticket number you receive.
We’d like to investigate.
Just to double-check, are you using the Apple TV or Samsung app?
I’m the OP, and using the 1.6.0 AppleTV app.