Tablo 4 just replaced. Signal issue with Tablo but not TV

Now that I think about it, the Leaf 50 already includes an inline amplifier so I would assume there is really no benefit to adding another one, and it may actually negatively impact the situation.


A 2nd inline amplifier is not a good idea. Raising the antenna and / or using an antenna with more gain could definitely help.

Hi johninc,

We recently moved to a home 2 blocks east with a corner lot in Rockbrook. I have an attic antenna which we had installed as the Media Consultant my husband hired said we did not need a roof antenna and it would not improve signal. Can you tell me what brand antenna you use?

We don’t have buffering issues so much as losing connection to the wifi Roku as there is no way to hardwire it due to the basement location of the router.

Now, when I run TVFOOL it doesn’t even show 3.1 as an option. I am unsure of why. The zip code changed but even that doesn’t make sense to me. I am going to see if I following your advice will help with reception on CBS (3.1), which is currently abysmal. Thanks for the idea. I will let you know when I get it working.

Honestly I can’t recall the brand, it was just something cheap. But really
the trick for me was having two, so I could point one NE at 3-6-7, and
point the other SW at 15-42. I still have trouble at times with 3-6-7, I
imagine it depends on weather and other conditions. I may eventually put
an antenna on the roof. Good luck!

Saw a number of users having issues with signal strength and antenna location. Background on my issue: Phoenix AZ area- line of sight less than 30 miles to South Mountain set of Station antennas is the farthest. Though I have not had to replace the Tablo Quad, I have had issues with Broadcast Signal Weak even with the 5 Green Dots. Two step process: moved my Tablo to the 2nd floor Loft TV & Secondly after reading multiple users notes on possible over driving the front end receiver of the Tablo Quad, I removed the small gain (cheap in line amplifier) from the Cheap indoor antenna and now receive 43 channels. Fox 10 was the channel of interest and record the shows.with a 4 TB Seagate external Hard Drive. I will review again tonight. However, I am confident this will now operate without my spouse yelling at me for leaving DirecTV. By the way using the Roku Ultra Box and that is the best thing for multiple content! Philo TV is $21/ month so my spouse gets all three Hallmark channels. Cord Cutters check out for a listing of cost segments to consider. I took the Tablo Quad and Roku route. Get CBS All Access to record ALL the CBS content PLUS all the Star Trek stuff including the newer content. A lot here in this post. User for 3 months and loving it.

I am in Tempe and get 93 channels on my quad, and that is with a 45 year old Radio Shack antenna in the attic. What antenna are you using??