Tablo 4 gen app on Roku

I have just started having problems with my Tablo 4 gen app staying connected on my Roku. It had been working fine until a few days ago. I click the app, it starts to load but then kicks me back to the Roku home screen. I called the help phone number and the recording said they are receiving a heavy phone call volume and the wait would be around 10 minutes. I put the phone on speaker and made dinner. After almost an hour a I hung up. This morning I called again and chose to have them call me back when someone is available. It’s now been two and a half hours and no call yet. Is their help desk that understaffed or did someone screw up so bad that everyone is having problems?


I think the holidays have them understaffed. I know they made it clear on their website that they would have support but it would be reduced for the holidays. If you left a callback they will definitely get back to you. It took them about a day and a half to get back to me so I think it will require patience.

When was the last time a forced update was done to the app? There was an issue that required a rollback. Tablo Roku App (4th Gen) Update (v. 0.8.300) - #44 by zippy

I had this happen only once. If your Roku device is powered on all the time try restarting the Roku.

And have you tried rebooting the actual gen 4 tablo.

EW Scripts screwed up Tablo. Help desk was g9d and only 10 minutes or less hold time.

Product was rushed to market with Alpha test only. Needs beta test bad

(We are the beta testers. Android/Fire says 1.x, but Roku is still 0.x… Hmmm…)

I just hope they’re taking into account everything users are sharing on the forums and can implement them into their UI and other areas. Great product idea, but not quite there yet.

I ended up resetting the Tablo back to factory settings and reset everything up again last night. I’ve gone in and out of the app several times since then and so far, so good.

The product had beta testers. But I’m sure NDA prevents them from saying anything. How much was known before the product was released for general availability is unknown. Usually almost all of these issues are known. Just prioritized somewhere on a fix list.

But my bet is that the legacy devices used the pixelworks A53 CPU with the pixelworks software stack and maxlinear tuners. The gen 4 might be using the Amlogic S905X4 and sony tuners. And the software stack is unknown. legacy guide data grace notes. gen 4 guide data unknown. All of thesse changes were probably way more then tablo could really handle.

It’s still a good low cost unit for first time users. But for those use to a legacy type device call me in the spring when the bumps get smoothed out.


I was able to get through toTablo’s help desk but the end result was Tablo blaming Roku’s operating system. I told them that blaming Roku was not a solution and the problem with the app started right after Tablo’s last firmware update.


Did you do one or two 2.2.48 updates? My mistake was applying the second!

I don’t think anyone is going to care about Roku app problems until release 8.3 is available and installed. And roku seems to have any channel installs delayed until after january 1st.

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A couple of days ago i applied the 2.2.48 update. I didn’t realize there were two updates with with the same version number. When i reset the Tablo, as part of the process, it downloaded the latest update, which is 2.2.48.

I’ve been tagging @TabloTV and @TabloCEO so hope it helps

Roku is Japanese for six so maybe Roku devs took off