Swap hard drives to use as more storage

That would be true of any dvr.

Not entirely. I refereed to tablo as semi-proprietary. Virtually any/most other DVRs are completely closed and have absolutely no options or methods to retrieve your recordings.

With your tablo, you have the option to export shows. Saving shows on a more robust system, depending on how much you spend and importance.

If your device does fail, you can (with few limitations) move the drive to a new tablo and be up and running.

If your drive fails, there is at least the possibility of data recovery as the conventional filesystem is not encrypted.

More perks to owning a tablo :wink:

note: you kind of can swap drives using the method for moving your drive to a new tablo – but that’s not what it’s intended for nor is drive swapping even considered an option! I’m not even suggesting anyone give it a try!

I thought maybe they were referring to bandwidth more generalized and any “network bandwidth” as suggested in - Choosing the Right Live TV & Recording Quality Settings for your Tablo OTA DVR

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It’s possible that’s what they meant, who knows until they clarify.

Thats what they were referring to. It refers to bandwidth used on the network.

Well why would you care about home much bandwidth you’re using on your local network through your router? The speed is pretty much limitless, you’d have to stream like 20 things to bottleneck the router. I’m confused by the concern, that’s all.

To me “bandwidth “ refers to internet. If that is not what they are talking about then I have no problem with it. That answers that question. And i believe it refers to bandwidth usage when it does commercial skip which was a much higher figure.

The Tablo article referenced above uses the word bandwidth only to describe local streaming over your internal network, not over the internet. Streaming locally with a network based DVR uses zero “internet bandwidth”.

Yes com skip uses some data for processing but it is not much. “ Depending on the recording quality and audio settings of your Tablo, this process will use between 100-200 MB/hour of recording in external internet bandwidth.” If you’re concerned, just turn off com skip. See link.

Bandwidth is a networking not specific to one “type”.

I find it funny when people use wik as a factual source but I appreciate the info. Thanks I get it now.

I generally agree. But compared to

It was a decent source. :neutral_face:

It appear if you connect an external HD it will wipe out your internal hard drive. This is just a moronic design decision. They seem to make a lot of decisions that disable it rather then enable it. You will have to rip every show off you HD first. Not sure of you will loose all your programming to but that would be typical of their poor design decisions.

The truth is they just lack the capacity to design better. It would take hard onboard memory to store the programming data and the database is extremely easy to design as files. You think Amazon does it this lame way. The use oracle which is properly designed database. Tye same techniques can be applied to a simple set of video files but that lack any decent knowledge on databases. Yes, I easily could design a better way if they had a API available to write apps for it. Not sure how programs like TabloRipper can hack into it.

How do you re-import. I can only find apps the remove them. If I had one I would use it.

No one has reported being able to re-import, but you’re welcome to make it happen, many would appreciate your skills.

Bandwidth is the transmission rate be it local or over the internet.

can’t wait to see what you come up with! (how hard did you look?)

There IS a developer program. Sign up for it.

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I might, I am busy trying to catch up on how .groovy works. I do have a background on OOP and degree in databases as well, mostly Oracle which is damn easy to use.

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