- Python program to query and convert Tablo recordings

If I create a rule in my router to allow remote access to Tablo (Tablo Connect?) can I use this script over the internet? I assume Tablo Connect has some kind of authentication option.


No auth. So if you can get to surlatablo on the network with the taboo, it will run

SurLaTablo   0.6 released

Adds the ccoffset style I described.  Fixes fairly major bug in CONF file handling.

Oh… and this is the first release tested on OSX.

Perhaps setting up a VPN situation would work better than going direct in. If you can VPN from your remote device to your home network you have control “just like being there” and can secure things better, IMO. 

0.6 - cool, I will test tonight.

I think the devices should have some type of authentication or at least a basic firewall (iptables?) so we could lock them down without relying on the different routers capabilities.


How would I go about downloading manual recordings? They tend to not show up in lists. Are there any special commands to use?

@HarryR, sure they do. -q meta_type~=Manual

They’ll show up with the everything (-q .) query as well.

Or at least they should :slight_smile:

Cool! I got a list and tried this:  python c:\SurLaTablo\  125653

I got a No transcoder found message. No valid transcoder name provided.

 I assume that is the ffmpeg path which I did modify.  FFMPEG = ‘c:\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe’  (I’m on Windows 7)

Try this instead:

FFMPEG = 'c:/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe’

Here is how my settings are in my file:

# Replace with full path location of your programs
FFMPEG = 'i:/tablo convert/bin/ffmpeg.exe’
CCEXTRACTOR = 'c:/ccextractor/ccextractorwin.exe’

See if the forward slashes work. They do work in Windows 7.

Yup you need to use the forward slash and not backslash.  Silly Windows and their backslashes :smiley:

Still no luck. I don’t use CCEXTRACTOR but that shouldn’t matter

You have confirmed that ffmpeg.exe is located in that path?  You can manually run it from a command line?

It works both ways from command line.

I tried this and I’m getting % numbers and the name of my recording.
python c:\SurLaTablo\ -n -q 123781 -c

This is a good sign.

Try this instead:

FFMPEG = 'c:/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe'

Here is how my settings are in my file:

# Replace with full path location of your programs
FFMPEG = 'i:/tablo convert/bin/ffmpeg.exe'
CCEXTRACTOR = 'c:/ccextractor/ccextractorwin.exe'

See if the forward slashes work. They do work in Windows 7.

Yes they do and you can prove that at a command prompt by typing cd/ from any non-root prompt


See how windows responded that you wanted to go to the root of the drive even with a forward slash. someone there finally got a bit smarter, just a bit let’s not get carried away, it’s still Windows.

By the way, I’m a VERY visual learner and learn best by picture and/or example so your recent posts with exact command line examples are incredibly helpful, very helpful. 
Once I see an example of code or a command, I’ve got it.

Yes you need to tell the command that you want to convert it.  Although the new options file support may change that.

Also, if you ever have an issue add “-d” to the end and it will show you the commands it will attempt to run.  That’s how I caught and issue I had with temporary file space.
You have confirmed that ffmpeg.exe is located in that path?  You can manually run it from a command line?

Since I used the non-installed method, it’s just an EXE I copied into the surlatablo folder so it’s all sitting together. I like the fact that it’s self-contained with no complex installs, no DLL-hell. 

I have setup this python script to run every hour on Windows 8. It’s not as simple to setup as linux crontab but it seems to be working fine.

Besides the python command in the batch file I have added this to log updates.
echo %DATE% %TIME% >> D:\Plex\log.txt

I like that it only has to do an incremental backup every time. Only takes a couple of minutes depending non the number of recordings in the previous hour.


I see a folder created for Manual, but no temp files that I am used to seeing in tablo2go. I guess it must be in memory.

Unless you provide -k (which can be @ to place in the “normal” trancode output dir), you won’t see the temporal .ts or .srt files.

Both can be interesting, which is why I added the -k @ in particular.

Some won’t be interested in either… I’m trying to please everyone :slight_smile:

Thanks. I’ll try that on the next one.

EDIT: I just saw the first video. Excellent result!  Thanks very much