Hi … I’m new to Tablo … so I’ll apologize if this has already been addressed in another post … i read thru a bunch but didn’t see an answer … all day I’ve been able to watch my local networks and as soon as it got dark outside, now they all say “no signal lock”. I know it’s still propetly connected because I can see the guide and can watch the ION channel … i already unplugged it and restarted it and also did an update on the guide. The app version on my phone is also giving me problems … i clicked on the show that was currently playing on my tv and it shows an episode of a totally different show and now i get the no signal lock when attempting to watch a local network that i know my antenna gets because it worked great before the tablo.
Hi @Cheryl-Mn,
This could be due to LED light inference. Either way, it may be handy to run a channel scan.