Try accessing your recordings on your cell phone via the app. If you can see them, I’ve read if you start to play one, it will then show up in your library. Definitely a PITA, but maybe it will work. Good luck.
BTW, are you using a Roku? I was an early user of Tablo, and Roku’s have been problematic for Tablo whenever they come out with a new OS. I like the simple Roku interface, but I’m slowing migrating over to google TV just for reasons like this.
Thank you Vegas Steve! I was able to reacquire my account through Google TV, it’s still does not work on Roku. Thank you again again for you for your suggestion, I really appreciate it.
You’re welcome. I just ran into the same issue (kinda). I was watching a program on my Roku and after about halfway thru, I exited out. POOF! The recording was gone. So I fired up my google tv and lo and behold, there it was. Started playing it again, exited, then went back into the Roku app for Tablo and like magic (the evil kind), it was back. Once I clear off my old recordings, I’m ditching Roku and never going back.