Sorry Tablo - TiVo has beaten you to the punch

There you go. You already have what you need…

Here is another good one from Netgear. This might help someone out who may be reading this:

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Some use their HD as a storage warehouse. I’ve never gone past 25% capacity on my 1TB.

Agreed, I delete all shows after I watch them (they are on Hulu anyway). I keep most movies, but even at full quality my 1TB drive never gets more than 50% full.

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There’s something to be said for a DVR box with remote in the living room.

A while ago I grabbed older 2 tuner TiVo Lifetime guide Premieres with upgraded 1-2TB HD’s for $150-$200. Makes a good living room box when we all wanna just sit and watch recorded OTA programs with handy pause, jump, cue, etc.

Tablo has it’s place too (mostly when remote streaming works) but a channel surfing, tactile button controlled 5.1 machine? Not even close…

We ended up doing what others have recommended. I bought a 8 way splitter amp and ran coax from the antenna to all TVs for “live” channel surfing. Solves many problems especially in a 2-tuner Tablo family.

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My house had cable so the wiring was in place. Antenna in the attic run down to the utility room where the cable tv came in. Unplug cable, plug in antenna, Bang! Zoom!


That kid has got attitude. Love it!

Others have recommended this, but I still don’t like it :stuck_out_tongue:

First, and foremost, you have to switch inputs on the TV. I’m wanting to go to a 1 remote setup (my choice was AppleTV). I want to be able to switch between all my streaming services and the Tablo just using the AppleTV remote (yes, still waiting on the app).

Second, being Tivo spoiled, when I am watching a live show and decide to record it, I just press the record button (and it gets everything in the buffer too, but that is another requested feature for Tablo). Having to switch inputs from OTA to your stream device and then find the program in the guide and then tell it to record it is a bit much. I would rather wait the 10 seconds for it to buffer. At least then, you only have to back out of the program and select the show, then tell it to record (hmm, guess that is kind of cumbersome too).

Splitter solution works for me since I rarely watch live TV. Nexus Player remote with built-in casting and voice search is a breeze. Pause, FF, rewind - piece of cake and no buffering. WiFi works flawlessly. 5.1 is nice but I’m surviving.

I do something similar, but instead of splitting to TV, I split to (2x) HDHomeRun Connect device. Thus my sources are all viewable on my Shield/ Nexus Player/ PC’s without switching the TV inputs.

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I rarely start recording a show that I’m watching, but I do often pause a show. That’s one thing I miss when watching straight from the antenna.

We just talk to our TV now. It can be on the Roku (Tablo) and I can say “Go to FOX” and it changes to the tuner on the TV for channel 4 (our FOX affiliate). Then I say “Go to HDMI 1” and presto it goes back to HDMI 1. I can say most anything and if multiple matches show up, I can choose, but it will switch to the first thing if I don’t do anything.

We just bought a new smart TV.

The next generation will talk back.

Tivo “beat Tablo” to the Kool-Aid (Flav-R-Aid)… Jonestown style…

I personally prefer healthy competition- It keeps everybody working hard to make us happy…

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Agreed. But part of the equation has to do with good customer relations. I say Tablo wins that aspect hands down.


Tivo RIP :mask:

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I always thought I would delete shows after I watch them, but it turns out that I am really just too lazy to do that. I’ve given up on managing my drive, and let the Tablo do it. If there is a show I want to keep, I mark it protected. Otherwise, I just leave it on the drive and let Tablo overwrite it when needed.

So, I guess you can say that my drive utilization is approaching 100% (although it never quite reaches that pinnacle).

This smacks of Huwaei trying to convince the world that their phones are better than iPhones.

Tablo, here’s some honestly considered advice from a DVR expert:

  • acknowledge that you are not a live TV device, due to your architecture. Tivo is. Tablo is a DVR. Tablo users know and understand this. Move on.

  • with that elephant in the room acknolwedged, address the shortcomings you do have as a DVR right now. Two very major shortcomings are the management of recorded shows and the total lack of any ability for the user to set recording priorities.

Quit wasting your time writing blog posts like that, put your heads down, and get to work.

I’m your prime prospect in the world: I never watch live TV, and I already have Roku at every TV. In addition, I would happily add tablets and the like to my mix as I remodel my house. That being said, I won’t buy Tablo in its immature state right now.

In fact, as I remodel and choose to go away from Windows Media Center, I may very well buy Tivo for three TVs plus streaming–because it’s not about PRICE, it’s about VALUE.

Because it’s not about PRICE, it’s about VALUE.

Tivo right now arguably gives much more for its money than Tablo does for its price.

It’s the cheapest man who spends the most. Me, I’m too poor to buy cheap. I need VALUE, not a low price.

It used to be, but now you just put a new one in. Voila.

Not sure what you mean by “it’s a pain in the rear”.