Shows and Movies missing in the Web Apps

@Thumbs @Jestep @snowcat @napercort @HarryR

We've identified a bug in the specific to the HTML5 app that is removing these tabs; this is related to a pending update. This won't affect any scheduled recordings and you lose any data. We're working on a fix now - thanks all.

@TabloSupport thanks for the update


Tablo Device:


Previously sched recording of the news…recorded wih no issue by the way.

Correction, while watching the recording it re-synched “Loading, please wait” in the middle…first time since getting my little black bundle of joy that a recorded show has done that. Live is a different story.

Tablo Device:


HTML Application:


Server Host:

Ok, I just checked and it is all back. However, the app version is still 0.9.189 which is a bit confusing as that is what is was with the issues. I think you guys really need to do some serious QA work. @Thumbs @Jestep @snowcat @napercort @HarryR @TabloSupport

@Jestep    Mine is back too. Thanks for the heads up.

appears back to normal but all of a sudden my reecordings have a hiccup “Loading, please wait” 

Tablo Device:


HTML Application:


@napercort I am not having that issue

Interesting though, the image of the show shows before it starts playing, unless I am crazy that is new 

ok, 0.9.193 now after a new sync…

@TabloSupport, ooh and I like the 30 second back or forth in the web app! Thanks for that!

Hey all, it was an issue that slipped through our test coverage. A combination of things having to do with the upcoming subscription status that was green-lighting on our test devices and builds but was actually not accurate. There was a bug, and our testing simply didn’t catch it. This resulted in the web-app thinking everyone had no subscription and was giving the dumbed-down experience. We’re taking measures to catch these types of edge cases in the future.

All that being said, we apologize for this poor delivery of what was supposed to be an awesome web-app update.

P.S. @Jestep good eye… it wasn’t a fix per se, it was a “make it work right now and push a proper fix after” situation. I skipped a step to get it deployed faster. The proper fix has been deployed as of this writing.

@Jestep oh an opportunity for me to redirect attention away from the bug! Did you try skipping +30 or -20 using the arrow keys?  You can hammer them as fast as you want too, which is great for skipping commercials. When I’m watching a show and have an idea of how many commercials there are, I just hit the right arrow say, 8 times really fast and usually land at the perfect spot where my show resumes

@matb33 yes I did try it, are you kidding me :stuck_out_tongue:

2.1.10 and 0.9.193 now as well…

Trying to use my iPhone (iOS 7.1.2) to watch a recorded show and Safari keeps crashing on me… Didn’t before :frowning: Tried 5 different times with different shows.  About 8 seconds it the stream…poof. I’ll add this to it’s own thread…

@Jestep    Mine is back too. Thanks for the heads up.

this morning I turned it on to watch live tv this morning. still had the hiccup. “Loading, please wait” 

Opened up my tablo Web App and it said it was Syncing for a bit…so I came back to live tv after the Syncing and so far no hiccup.

UPDATE: The Hiccup is still there. Took about 45 min watching live and then every minute it would show the LOADING screen. Then…about an hour after that…it just stopped playing live tv.

@napercort I’m trying to track down what you’re seeing, but I’m not aware of a screen in the webapp that shows a “Loading please wait”. When starting Live TV, it says “Buffering”, is this what you’re seeing?

@matb33 I watch via Roku not the web app.