Servers down again?

8pm EST in Ohio… Tablo device is up, Library/recordings are available, Internet is fine, but Tablo cannot load a guide, therefore I cannot watch live TV.

This needs to be fixed. Third time this I’ve seen this in 3 weeks. Always seems to occur at the top of an hour.


Same here


Same. Really pissed trying to watch my Bucs game right now


Same here also trying to watch the Bucs.
Just let me tune to a channel.


Mine is back up… I did also submit a support request to Tablo via email regarding these outages.

Seems the Tablo network can’t always handle times of heavy (sports) viewership?

What makes no sense is mine said its failing to load guide data, but it shouldn’t need to. In settings mine shows that the guide data had been updated 18 hours prior… so it should have all the information it needs to let me tune to a channel.

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@dougweiser - one would think.


If you expect this architecture to be “fixed” overnight if at all, you have been watching too many super hero movies.

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Sometimes uploading the guide can take an hour or more, sometimes 5 or 10 minutes

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I can’t get tablo to connect here in Dayton
Been working fine since 2016