Series Recording

I’m relatively new here and have not yet purchased my Tablo. I’m still trying to iron out a few things not the least of which is the long awaited Apple TV native app. My questions for the group are these Can series recordings be set up? If so, can they be set to only record new shows and not reruns? Can they be set up before the actual series listing shows up on the guide?

My apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere.

The answer is YES to most of your questions. The only no is if a series has never been set up and doesn’t have any episodes in the next two weeks, it can’t be set up. You have to wait till it is two weeks away or closer.

Here is Tablo’s official page that should answer how to do all of that:

You also have to have a subscription to set up series. Within two weeks of the first showing, the series will show up on Prime TV.

If you want to record classic series from METV, GRIT you need to say ALL. New flag is NOT set if it is the first time on those stations