Security concerns

But you trust them with credit card information? You really don’t think there’s an existing system of centralized tablo specific information? And all the other demographic data collected to be used for statistical analytics?

Potential hacking can be, at times, used as a fear-marketing tactic. Something “can be easily hacked.” Find 1 out of 100 random people and ask them to hack anything. General public think wif is way more than wireless networking.

Ok, it only takes 1 out of 1,000 to do damage. Hacking is a real threat. What the news-tainment doesn’t tell you, for example:
Equifax failed to install a software patch in March, two months later, in May, they were breached.
I’m pointed out, that you can take precautions to protect things. To a point anyhow.

Maybe there are people who use virtual credit card numbers and are thus less concerned about who stores these numbers.

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