Safari connection unreliable

Newbie here.
Just installed Tablo a few days ago.

iOS device are reliable but my OSX devices take several tries, sometimes a reboot of Tablo to connect. I’ve tried Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

MSG: A connection to your Tablo could not be established

Not certain where to begin.

Is it just Safari? How do Chrome and Firefox behave?

Chrome and Firefox is the same. Takes 5 or more tries to get it to connect while the mobile devices connect the first try.

I find the opposite:

Apple TV OS - solid
MacOS Safari - solid
iPhone 11 Pro Max iOS 13.2 - sometimes fails to connect. I then need to delete app and reinstall. Then connects immediately.

I’ve had some issues with Safari on MacOS Catalina with I expect to be corrected with the next Tablo software update