Roku OS 14.1.4 in beta testing

For those who had issues with the Roku 0S 14 update, well, it ain’t over yet.

I few people have already mentioned OS 14.1.4, For some people, they get a hazy line across the bottom of the screen, but only on the program guide. It can be an annoyance, but seems to not impact functionality.

I think the previous discussion was about Roku OS 14.0.4. OS 14 1 4 is the upgrade to 14.0.4

No, the conversation I was referring to was about 14.1.4.

I didn’t see that post. All previous discussion was on 14.0.4

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No worries. There is an awful lot of discussion on here. I know that I can’t read or remember it all.

It’s encouraging to see that Tablo was aware of 14.1.4. It means that they are testing it too

Back to my original reason for posting about 14.1.4. The Tablo users need to be aware that a new Roku OS is in beta test and on the way.

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It looks like my Roku has now updated to 14.1.4. Seems to be working just fine, but I am getting the hazy bar across the bottom of the guide that some others have reported. Note that so far it is functioning just fine, it is just a visual blemish and only on the guide. I just wanted to document it here.


Looks like an ad banner is coming soon. Sigh.


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