Roku and 4th gen tablo not finding on network

Watched 4th gen tablo this morning no problem. Went to work and now tablo cant be found by my roku. Uninstall, reinstall, reboot both, power cycle both, routers re booted, everything. Called tablo support, they had me do all those same things again…then the nice lady on support says its a known issue with some roku devices, she didnt ask which device i had btw, and said unplugging my roku for TWO HOURS might fix the problem, or i could just wait for 24 hours and then see if it works…

A known issue? Has anyone been made aware of this? Simply unplug and dont watch tv for two hours? What the hell kind of black magic is this? Or i can just wait for 24 hours and it will be fixed? More black magic? Was there a fd up update? What kind of hokey support is this?

Btw works on android app.

Edit, 12 hours later. Un plugged and removed roku stick from tv before work this am. Plugged in and installed stick 12 hours later and roku found my tablo. This right here is some black magic fckry right here.

I have 7 Roku devices in my home… I have never needed to turn my TV/Roku hardware off for a few hours.

Disabled Bandwidth Saver within the Roku?

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Have you been pressing Back on your remote until it asks you if you’d like to exit the app? This will close the app properly so that it has a better chance of reconnecting the next time you use it. @KimchiGUN mentioned the bandwidth saver – this would also put the device and app to sleep versus closing it properly.

You can also try using the “secret remote code” that will force restart the Roku itself as well as clear the cache.

Home (5x)
Rewind, Rewind,
Fast Forward, Fast Forward

and the left menu will scroll, freeze, then reboot. Done properly and at the right speed (moderately quick, too slow will do nothing) it has been known to take care of a many issues.

Can I also clear the cache by 1. unplugging Roku from power and then reconnecting or
2. by a system restart from the Roku menu?

I’m not sure about a restart, but it doesn’t seem to fix near as many problems. As for unplugging it, I think I read that you have to unplug it for like 5 min. I find the remote combo to be faster and I don’t have to get up and wait!

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I’m wondering if your Roku is trying to connect to a guest network?

If that’s the case, then it won’t be able to be seen by your Tablo. And if you can access your Tablo on your Android phone, then it’s not the Tablo that’s having issues.

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Done this multiple times

Well its unplugged until i get home from work ill update.

Guest is disabled in my network

Old cheat codes disabled

Wow. Those coulda all gone in one message! lol. I know that many of the “cheat codes” – as you’ve called them – don’t work on many newer models, but the restart has worked on every one I’ve come across.

Do you know which Roku model you’re using? I ask not for the force reboot but so others can see how their similar model compares.

lol. That was a reference to " **Up-Down-Up-Down-A-B-Select-Start" of the old atari days. Either roku programmers have a sense of humor or they are using a system of buttons that would never be used in a normal scenario. lol.

And, working on a phone screen, and used to a reddit type response ladder, I respond(ed) to each message individually. I assumed that the response would go under the post. I guess the tablo forums system isn’t as polished as a reddit type messaging system.

(slaps forehead). I didn’t know you were making a joke, sorry! Yeah, the messaging system here is quite a bit different. It’s usually just smoother to start a regular reply and refer to or @ someone in a single post. Unless, OC, you’re replying to someone directly.

(BTW, I’m surprised that some of those old cheat codes for NES, etc work in ROMs!)

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See update in edit.

I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be looking for in that edit…

However, I would still be interested in which Roku model you’ve been having issues with. :).