Thanks a lot.
I will try to do what you suggest.
I just don’t know how long I can deal with watching and recording tv being such an issue. They should not be selling something that has so many troubles.
PS. The channels are coming in fine. Just not recording fine.
Do you have an external drive plugged in?
I’m glad you’re willing to look inward. Most Tablo issues have nothing to do with the Tablo itself. I used to have these same problems and after changing external drives and playing around with my antenna, things have worked great.
I’ll never understand why live payback always worked even when it didn’t record due to other issues.
I have had similar experience after improving my antennas and mesh network. But sometimes Tablo is slower than usual to start up or to switch between functions. Is that due to a tablo server problem, or do I need to look at my network again?
Hard to say with different app versions being released so often. I tend to clear out my cache and data quite often in general, and one of my STBs is only powered on with the TV. It does make for a slower start but less overall issues.
You can always try a network and/or puck reboot!
TBH, I’m not in mine as much as I used to be. The latest layout has too many problems and I’ve resorted to streaming for now.
I try the cache clearings and network reboots, and that seems to speed things up, for a while.
The way I remember it, after that snafu first weekend of NFL, not too long afterward Tablo was really fast, and I assumed they had improved their server performance. I already had my onsite improvements in place by then. But now, things seem to have slowed down again.
Good point maybe the apps situation needs to calm down.
In general I’m satisfied, and very thankful I’m not having the problems others have posted about here, re Roku 14. I can understand their dissatisfaction.
BTW I happened to browse the Amazon Tablo reviews and I was amazed at the number of negatives.
I am not using an external drive and my antenna reception is fine. I am still using a Tivo machine and it is recording with no problem at all. So that would make it an issue with the Tablo. But if you are in the market for another Tablo, I have 2 that I would be happy to sell at a good price.
Thanks I already have 2 and don’t want to ask for trouble.
Best of luck with your DVR’s going forward.
Can we say “CLASS ACTION”!
No, I don’t have an external drive plugged in.
I’m surprised more people aren’t upset.
It’s working for most people… You really only hear from the people who complain on the forums. Not saying its for the right or wrong reason, just in general.
I admit i’m not happy with the Roku deal. Onn4k works. With some troubleshooting, all my Rokus are working.
Sure… if by “troubleshooting” you’re referring to a full factory reset and losing everything you’ve ever recorded! I’m glad it’s still working, though. I wish @TabloTV would take note of what you did and try to figure out what about the reset fixed the issue. I have to wonder what FW version it defaulted to… maybe that’s the key.