RF channel selection for same virtual channel

Does anyone know if changing the zip code changes the prefered rf channel when you rescan ? Or does it just change the guide?

I have a major network affiliate with 2 repeaters in a mountainous region. The closest transmitter is not the one with the best signal.


I am having exactly the same problem. The stronger virtual channel is on RF channel 8 and the scan sees it first. Then the weaker repeater version of the virtual channel is picked up on a higher RF channel and that is the one that the Tablo picks. The legacy Tablo listed both virtual channels and I always picked the stronger one to be on the channel list. I am not sure why this capability was dropped.

Changing your zip code won’t change the preferred RF channel. In the case of duplicates, Tablo always chooses the one with the strongest signal at the last scan time.

You can specify which channel to record from with the advanced recording options.

Hope this helps.

Good to know. Thanks.

I fought this same issue in my area which also features very hilly terrain and multiple low-power repeaters (translators) from different hilltops transmitting the same virtual channels on different RF frequencies. It was a constant fight to sort out on the Tablo, as well as on my various direct-fed TV tuners. I found 2 solutions:

  1. Use a very directional antenna pointed at the repeaters you prefer if they are all in 1 direction, which should reject transmitters in other directions and therefore exclude them from channel scans.

  2. Use a Televes Smartkom to digitally select the specific transmitters (RF frequencies) you want your TV tuners to “see” in a channel scan regardless of direction (omni antenna solution).

I started with 2) using a Televes Avant X (the less expensive Smartkom was not yet available at that time), and then figured out to get rid of my omni directional antenna and go with a much better directional one since all my preferred transmitters are in 1 direction. I still use the Avant X in my setup since I already had it, and since it has other useful features such as signal leveling and overall output control.

Another possible “trick” it is turn off any signal amps and then do a channel scan. In some cases this could allow only the stronger signals to be “seen” by the scan. Then turn the amp(s) back on to improve those preferred signals.

If you have “desired” signals in multiple directions, the Smarkom coupled with a good omnidirectional antenna is an elegant solution to digitally exclude unwanted signals. Even more elegant is to use multiple directional antennas pointed at the preferred transmitters, and the Smartkom to properly combine them. My brother uses this setup in a very rural part of Texas. Works great.

It would appear to me that Tablo 4th Gen chooses only the last scanned virtual channel when there are duplicates - assuming the last scanned channel is strong enough. The problem I have is that the first scanned duplicated virtual channel (RF channel 8) is very strong, but the second duplicated virtual channel is on a higher UHF RF channel is weaker but strong enough so that the Tablo always accepts it. In day-to-day use, the weaker UHF channel breaks up sometimes while the RF channel 8 is rock-solid. The legacy Tablo put both in the channel list and allowed me to choose, and this would seem to me to be an easy solution to the problem.