Repeated Day/Date on 14-day guide - Fire TV

Has anyone noticed that Sunday is being repeated in the 14 day guide? It’s throwing everything off from Monday on.

I have an original generation (Legacy) 4-tuner Tablo, being used with a FireTV 4K MAX.

Normally, when viewing the Live TV program guide, I see the day and the date at the top. For example, today, it’s showing me Saturday, November 2, 2024 at the top, and beneath that, the time in 1/2 hour increments. And the Live TV program guide below that.

If I highlight the day/date at the top and use my controller to advance to the right, It’ll advance the guide 24 hours and I see the day/date is now showing Sunday, November 3, 2024. So far, so good.

If I advance to the right again, It’s still showing me a day/date of Sunday, November 3, 2024, even tho it should be showing me Monday, November 4, 2024. The program guide has populated correctly, and the shows are Monday’s shows, even though it’s showing me that it’s Sunday at the top of the guide. As I continue to advance the day/date to the right, the sequence picks up as expected, showing Monday at the top with Tuesday’s shows in the guide, Tuesday at the top but Wednesday’s shows in the guide, etc.

Has anyone seen this? Is it a known problem with a fix? Will it self-correct with this weekend’s time change? I’ve done the usual… reboot the Tablo, re-download the guide, reboot the Fire TV 4K MAX. I’ve tried this with the latest generation FireTV 4K MAX, as well as the previous generation and both exhibit the same issue.

One last thing… just for kicks, I tried this on an old Roku Ultra I had laying around the house, and it displays the day correctly as I advance through the 14 day guide, so it seems to be an issue with the FireTV 4K MAX stick.

Maybe @TabloSupport can chime in as well.

I think I’m special. I think my firetv 4K gen 1 has the tuesday schedule for monday. Thus I get the election results at 8PM PST time on monday. No need to vote on Tuesday - it already over…

That’s my thought…It’s like looking into the future. I can make a fortune at the betting window.

Could it be a bit of confusion due to the DST change?

I thought it might have something to do with the time change, but it’s still showing the wrong day/date for Monday. It does seem to be an issue with my FireTV 4K MAX devices, and the Roku Ultra appears to be unaffected. My guess is that shows in my schedule will still recorded normally, and that I’ll just have to ignore the day/date at the top of the guide. Maybe it’ll sort itself out.

I wonder if anyone else is seeing this.

I see this also on my Legacy HDMI using the built-in interface, which is the same UI as FireTV and Google/Android TV.

Yep, I’m seeing it on the Android TV app as well.

Looks like the Nuvyyo folks may have broken something. From what I’ve seen, it should still function okay, but definitely something to should be fixed.

As of Monday morning, it’s working properly. I noticed yesterday if you simply moved forward in the guide, the date change was at 11pm instead of midnight.

Given that there have been no legacy app or HDMI firmware updates for awhile, this bug has probably been there, but maybe nobody noticed, or maybe nobody remembers posting about it.

I can confirm that as of this morning, the problem is gone. I no longer see the election night news on Monday.

This is the best kind of problem to have, one that resolves on its own.