Remote Access stops working

My hunch is it won’t make a difference if you just have the additional router in wireless access point only mode because all of the routing and DHCP/IP reservation will still be happening with the Comcast router.

a bit more specifically, you’re forwarding external ports as seen from the outside/internet/WAN port, to an internal port on a destination IP.

An Access Point only, does not have direct access to the outside. If it’s wireless to the router, then it’s a repeater/extender, if it’s wired to the router, well it’s function is similar a network switch, for wireless devices. (yet not truly a network switch)

But it’s just connecting wireless devices to your router, wich in turn does all the work. An AP does not have any ports to forward, it only routing is internally, from the router.

Has anyone figured this out? After years of no issues and no changes to my network set up, my Tablo started to do this same thing for the last couple of months. Very frustrating.

Your external IP hasn’t changed by chance has it?

Same here last month- my internet provider updated the router and I lost my remote access- got my internet provider to change the router back to previous setting and did a reset/refresh of my TABLO remote access setting and boom- back to having remote access…

We switched to Xfiniity a year ago. Ever since Tablo goe down and needs to unchec/recheck remote access. Comes back fine Using UPNP…So I eventually called Xfinity and what they say is due to increase security they reboot there router but only change the IP6V and the regular IP4 has been unchagend from day one. So appratentl this IP6V thing is what causes the tablo to go down, I runs about every 2 days sometines 4 days when it gets rebooted. My son in another state gets frustrated as this is the only want to access out local Seahawks. I doubt Xfinity will ever quit this process. So have to live with it or set a 2nd VPN on my PC to access Tablo. This issue is ONLY for remote access

Try doing manual port forwarding and not UPNP.

If that doesn’t work you might want to use your own router. If you’re using the xFi box (modem and router in one), you need to put it into Bridge mode if you’re using your own router.

Wont work for Xfinity rotuers…they only allow incomining forward but not outgoing. Tablo requires to use both Port Forwarding rules but xfinity does not. I tried many ways around. At one point I got it tor work using like a know rule for Xbox…But when it went down again I had to reconfures all over gain. Hence why I use UPNP and just toggle remote access off then on and comes right back with no other PF rules. Techincallly this is no big deal but when your not home to make this shange you are screwed accessing live TV until you get back home in the network. I condedered going with another Modem.routter but this doesnt stop Xfinity from changing IP ever few days,
You can google Tablo and Xfinity(comcast issues and there is no fix at all. Only other thought is running a separate VPN for the tablo

I have an xFi modem/router in Bridge mode and a personal router. Tablo Connect worked fine with manual port forwarding. Now if your particular Xfinity location is using CGNAT, then Tablo Connect will not work at all, no matter what you do. Which is why I now run a VPN server on my router and don’t use the port forwarding at all.