Reformatting a hard drive already used with a tablo

i had a tablo 4th gen 2 tuner model, i’ve upgraded to a 4 tuner.
i have a 1 tb external drive that was formatted for the 2 tuner device. it had some recordings, wasn’t bothered about keeping them as i assumed either the new tablo would see them or i could reformat.
when i plug it in, the new tablo doesn’t see any old recordings made on the old device nor do i get an option to reformat, but it shows me space already used on the drive (the old recordings). this means the space taken up by the old recordings is unusable.
i can’t reformat it in windows as windows doesn’t see it now it’s been formatted in ext4 or whatever tablo uses and i can’t reformat it in the tablo app is it thinks it’s a tablo drive.
there really ought to be a reformat option in the tablo app in the drive section.

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Right click the windows Start button and then choose Disk Management. You should be able to see the drive and be able to remove the existing partition. Just be extra careful that you have selected the correct drive (NOT your PC’s C-drive!).