Reformat HDD attached to Tablo

I replaced my 4th gen with a new 4th gen, using same Seagate HDD. The new Tablo recognizes the HDD showing some of the capacity as used. But, I cannot view any of the stored shows. I would be satisfied just reformatting the HDD so all of the capacity is available. How can I do that without having to go to my PC and reformat as NTFS, then reinstall in the Tablo? Can the Tablo reformat an attached HDD?

Is it giving you the option to reformat in the settings of your TabloTV app?

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NO, I gave up and disconnected the HDD, connected it to my PC and used Disk management. I wiped it, reformatted it for my PC, then connected it to the Tablo. The Tablo asked to format it properly restoring my full capacity. I never heard an alternate approach from Tablo.