When I open Tablo and go to my recordings that I have watched part of, and press Resume, the recording acts as if it is live, and the fast forward and rewind buttons don’t work. I am using the Tablo app on the Roku Ultra.
I have also chosen Watch from beginning, and the fast forward and rewind don’t work either. When I press fast forward, I see a red light in the lower left corner, and beside it, the screen says “Live”. But obviously it is not live since it is a recording.
I have, on occasion, had Tablo treat a recording as if it is live. The thing that I notice is I don’t get the thumbnail images, but instead get the progress bar which says ‘LIVE.’
I only happens once in a while, and it seem to be related to getting some error near the end of recording and it fails to “close out” the recording. It does not seem to be streaming platform specific.
Thank you for the information. For me, it seems to be more often than “once in a while”. I will keep checking back to see if there are more users with this issue.
I would keep a note of the channels and recording days/times. This could be a sign of a signal issue and knowing what’s going on could lead you to answers.
Speaking of signal issues, I just installed an inline signal enhancer, and I turned off the signal amplifier on the Tablo settings. Since then, my reception has been better.