Recently unable to connect to my wifi

We honestly should have asked this first but have you rebooted your router, Tablo, and cable modem? Also reboot any streaming device you may be using. This clears up a lot of strange network issues.

There is a post referencing 2 tablo URL.

Try accessing the first URL from a web browser.
Does it bring up your Tablo?

Next try the second URL. DO NOT POST THE RESULTS! Some of it should be kept private. No one else should see your Public IP.

  1. What are the numbers in the server version up to rc?
  2. Let us know when it says your Tablo was Last seen.
  3. See if the Public IP matches the public IP you get when you type “what’s my IP” in Google.
  4. Try typing the private IP into a web browser and tell us what happens.
  5. Does it show multiple Tablo devices?
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