Random deletions of not-so-kindness

Hard drive specs and recommendations can be found here:

As mentioned previously, the auto-delete tuning for internal storage is different than that for external storage.

The tuning for external storage assumes a much larger drive than you have connected.

Setting multiple series to ‘keep all’ will also negatively affect how auto-delete works.

Since it seems you like to keep a lot of programs for an extended period, we would recommend connecting a 1 TB drive at a minimum so you don’t need to manage your storage as carefully as you do now.

You have repeated that, but have not explained HOW it is different!

How does Tablo’s Auto delete feature work? states that:
Drives at a size of 1TB or less will always keep 3 hours per tuner (based on your recording quality) free at all times.
Drives larger than 4TB will always keep 6 hours per tuner (based on your recording quality) free at all times.

130G of available space on a 250G drive is about (according to your 128G internal specs) 50 hours.

I have everything set to Keep All because your device continues to erase my files, and this setting does NOTHING! If it did, the files would still be there! The only way keep anything is if I mark each file as protected. Then the Tablo doesn’t automatically erase them. I cannot control the order in which a station airs its episodes, but they are watched and only once were more than 10 or 15! The stations I have mentioned numerous times were only 4 or 5 episodes before the Tablo decided I needed only the two most recent.

I don’t have to manage my storage because I’m never below 50% and usually around 58. Most recordings on the drive are news-related and can be easily watched and erased within 5 minutes. I spend too much time and hard drive space trying to re-record the episodes that were deleted, or my drive would be at 90% availability. Let me say this again: “Auto delete is OFF. Keep all is ON.” This should leave EVERYTHING on the drive until I have erased it. As for the worst possible situation, the drive should fill up and not allow new recordings, correct?

As stated, I have several unprotected recordings going back to late November! THESE would be the first ones that would be erased, according to what your support pages cites. If there is another way that storage is managed on external devices than what those pages show, then you need to be clear about it.

As with the other issues, you seem to repeat the same things over and over again. It’s okay to say, “we have no idea what’s going on” — at least that’s something I could accept.

I will say this for likely the fourth time:
THIS IS ALSO HAPPENING ON INTERNAL STORAGE. So stop blaming whatever smaller drive I’m using. I can’t justify spending $100 on a new external drive when the $100 Tablo won’t keep recordings on itself!

Sadly, I won’t know if this is a universal problem or this individual device is defective. The first 4th gen I purchased does not have seem to have this issue, and I am done trying to deal with the second device. I can’t take the stress it causes or the blame inflicted upon me by tech support emails repeating the same nonsense and steps every time.

Also, you might want to check out the support links you both send out in blanket responses and at the end of your support pages. Many of them lead to 404 errors.

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