Power requirement for 4th gen

Can someone tell me the required power input requirement on the 4th generation Tablo.

In other words what comes out of the power supply that plugs into the wall?

The power supply should specify its output and the Tablo hopefully specifies its input.


Thanks! 12vdc is exactly what I was hoping for. I’m surprised it only needs 1.5A. Low power device

I actually think if may be under powered. I’ve had 2 go bad so the last time I got a 2.5A and it has been running fine for over 4 yrs.


It never hurts to have a power supply with more amps than you need, never less. Very important that voltage is correct.

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More is better. If you replace the hard drive with one that requires more power, you don’t want to have flaky problems.

This spring my legacy 2 tuner turns 10 years old. They grow up so fast. Still using the original power supply. The hard drive has its own power source.

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I got our original Tablo in 2015 too and had a few problems early-on, but it’s been pretty solid for the past 8-9 years. My wife uses it as much or more than streaming TV services. We’re used to its features and hope it continues working.