One of the taped shows we watch we also see on our NONE Tablo OTA TV (while getting ready for the day – later in the day we watch the taped version). The NONE Tablo is fine but the Tablo recording has the problems. Any suggestions?
I’m using Tablo with firmware 2.2.54 and antenna amplification ON, I added a Philips LTE Filter for TV Antenna on Dec 7th. Pixelating stopped for 2 weeks.
Pixelating has returned along with frequent mis-match of picture to voice. This will occur for one show and then NOT for the next (taped next time slot). We record and then watch 1-10 days later.
Check the post below for additional information. Also, what antenna are you using?..where is it located?..and how far from the broadcast tower(s) are you?
Would you please clarify what a “NONE Tablo OTA TV” is?
I did reply on Jan 20th but I don’t see the reply.
Thank you for your reply and question. We are using a One for All - Suburbs Ultimate Designer Bar Antenna and a Philips LTE 5G filter. The Non- Tablo TV is a TV not using Tablo - it also has it’s own antenna.
Ahh, I see. Then NONE TabloTV doesn’t have a TabloTV - only an antenna.
Maybe you should contact for his Consultation Service. I recommend something like this if you don’t want to do this on your own. In the end, you’ll get a recommendation for the proper antenna type and placement with direction in which to point it. He may also give you an honest assessment of your existing Designer Bar Antenna.
Be aware that this may lead to buying a new antenna and placing it outside, depending on the outcome of the Consultation Service.
Maybe someone here can chime in with additional information about the antenna you’re using or its placement. Good luck.