Ping vs. tablo2go

I have a network anomaly - ping doesn’t see one of my Tablos, but tablo2go does see it :

kkoceski@M6300-LMKDE:/home > ping -c 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

— ping statistics —
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms

kkoceski@M6300-LMKDE:/home > python2 ./ -tablo: -mp4:False -tempdir:./tmp
[Nov 3 16:46:27 2015] - Starting TabloToGo Version 2.0.55
[Nov 3 16:46:27 2015] - Loading download history
[Nov 3 16:46:27 2015] - 3462 shows and movies have already been downloaded
[Nov 3 16:46:49 2015] [] - Found Tablo named Manually Entered
[Nov 3 16:46:49 2015] [] - Loading meta-data for 1731 recordings
[Nov 3 16:48:58 2015] [] - 1 new TV, 0 movies, and 0 sports
[Nov 3 16:48:58 2015] [] - 1 matching videos have been queued
[Nov 3 16:48:58 2015] [] - Downloading “Americas Test Kitchen - S14E18 - Elegant Brunch Favorites”
[Nov 3 16:48:58 2015] [] - Video has 221 segments
[Nov 3 16:48:59 2015] [] - 1 MB, 1%, 0m 46s
[Nov 3 16:49:05 2015] [] - 17 MB, 6%, 1m 41s

[Nov 3 16:52:11 2015] [] - 497 MB, 95%, 0m 10s
[Nov 3 16:52:24 2015] [] - 529 MB, 100%, 0m 0s
[Nov 3 16:52:24 2015] [] - Moving to “./tv/Americas Test Kitchen/Season 14”
[Nov 3 16:52:24 2015] [] - Marking EP005502520305 as processed
kkoceski@M6300-LMKDE:/home >

Not sure if this is the issue but your ping is going to while your tablo seems to be at

Thanks! I’m such an idiot…