NOW AVAILABLE - 4th Generation Tablo App for Apple TV

Hi folks, the 4th Generation Tablo app for Apple TV has been officially released!

It’s compatible with Apple TV HD and Apple TV 4K. Grab it in the App Store and enjoy.

To learn more about it, go here:

Tablo 4th Generation Apple TV App (v 1.4.4 – Build 4)

  • Improves focus when returning to the Live grid.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

A post was merged into an existing topic: NEW - 4th Gen Tablo Apple TV App Beta (v. 1.4.1 + 1.4.3)

Yay, great job Tablo!

Anyone know if the recordings made in the beta version will be erased when installing the new non beta app? I got lots and don’t want to loose them.

The app only gives you access to what you’ve already recorded. There is no need to worry about changing app versions – just like when the beta versions were updated.

Thank you

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@Devo As @269587 mentioned, you have nothing to fear. All recordings, schedules set, guide data, channel lineup, and more are all stored on the Tablo itself. The Apple TV app is merely one way to see and interact with that Tablo.

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Hey folks, we just released a quick update:

Tablo 4th Generation Apple TV App (v 1.4.4 – Build 4)

  • Improves focus when returning to the Live grid.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

Tablo app v. 1.4.4 (4) “improves focus when returning to the Live grid.” Perfect. The cursor landed on the correct channel when I backed out of it 6 out of 6 times.

Now we need a “mark as watched/unwatched” feature.

Keep it up, Devs!