The Toshiba was purchased in Jan 2025, at the same time as the Tablo.
I’m not having the same problem. It’s when you access the library, there’s 10 second or more delay, I guess I was used to the TiVo.
[KimchiGUN] mentioned to get a HD with an external power supply. There are not much out there.
I wrote an email to Tablo’s CS and I copied the response here, they answered several days after you guys.
Tablo was blaming my OTA reception for the LIVE problem, it has nothing to do with it, when I put the coax on my TV tuner, I see all of the channels, but that was for previous problem that was solved by you guy guys.
I realized that Tablo’s CS even by email is worthless.
Would you DM us the ticket number you were given or the email address you used to contact support? We’d like to take a look.
It is still possible you may be running into an OTA reception issue. It’s likely your TV has one tuner, where your Tablo has at least two. Tuners are handy because they allow you to watch/record multiple shows at once. However, they also split your signal. If the signal you’re getting is barely picked up by your TV, it’ll still play. However, this weak signal might not be viable for more tuners.
You can buy a cable to do this… you don’t need to have a special hard drive. As others have said, it could be a reception issue, too. But I did have a bad experience with a non-recommended drive that made watching live TV nearly impossible…
I’m an Electronics Technologist with over 35 years experience plus HAM, so I know tuners and OTA reception issues. My TiVo had two tuners.
I contacted Tablo CS because I did not design your unit not did I code it. I have to admit that the Tablo is half baked.
I will not provide the ticket number because I find it’s not worth, the email agent just schooled me on my reception issue and I was a bad boy because I connected a Toshiba HD.
I would strongly recommend you provide that info to @TabloTV. They are very helpful and can help push things through when CS has failed you. Your choice, though… but if you’re not gonna pull out all the stops, you’re going to find people are less willing to help you.
Clearly you have the skill set to know what you are doing. Sorry you are having this problem. I’m still baffled as to why it would start doing this after you temporarily cut the power. Also, you said that clearing the cache corrected the problem, but only temporarily? Is that correct?
I just started to record with since 2 weeks really. Clearing the cache helped the LIVE problem but I find it’s takes time see a recording or you get kicked out (Tablo app crashes, Onn Google TV), maybe because of Toshiba HD.
My wife records a lot of free streaming channels.
My HD on my TiVo became defective and I don’t really want to copy the system on a blankHD, It’s a pain and I think I had to have a Linux partion
Word of caution, never unplug the hdd. Always turn off/remove the power supply to the Tablo. Unplugging the hdd does not provide the smooth power down that the drive needs. Unplugging the drive will cause unfiltered power spikes that the drive might not be able to handle.
I have been running a Canvio Basics since July last year with no issues.
Yes, it uses a Linux format, EXT4, but that shouldn’t be an issue since the Tablo formats the drive. You said this was a brand new drive when you connected it to the Tablo, correct?
You said that it works okay when viewing from your phone, but not on either of your onn devices, correct? It sounds like there is some compatibility issue between the Tablo and the onn devices. Do you, perhaps, have a different streaming device you can try… maybe a Roku or a Firestick?
We have the same Tablo App reboot issue on our FireTV Stick Max. It happens 2-3 times per night while we’re watching live or recorded shows. We’ve DM’d the TabloTV user when it occurs (as requested) but haven’t heard anything back yet.
I took out the hard drive and I did reinstall. No hard drive, just internal storage. It is super snappy and no crashes. Everything is super stable, like the TiVo
So I guess The Toshiba HD is not compatible with the Tablo.
One quick question : the shows that were previously recorded on Toshiba HD, can I plug it on Tablo and watch the shows and erase it after?