Newbie here - Questions about which Tablo is right for me

A lot of information above but straight forward and open. If you have the time, start with the OTA antenna. The quality of your signal could help you make the best choices on the rest of your system. Having a good antenna system and router network can be the key to everything else. Get your basic antenna system working before you start spliting your coax to multiple devices. I rushed things and later made several changes to my system to get what I wanted. Get your antenna and Wifi network working well while you are considering which DVR to buy.

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Ask questions. The Tablo is a good whole house DVR system that has a lot of options but you need need to determine what your priorities are to make the best choices. Users here have a lot of experience, even with non-Tablo options and are good about answering questions. My main reason for choosing the Tablo was the list that my wife made; multi-room access, multi recordings and easy selection of recorded shows. She is happy.

I only cut the cord last November but Tablo has been a good choice for me. The interface is different than with cable but I have adjusted. The scheduling is very simular to cable, season scheduling, episodes to keep, etc. The series scheduling carries over from season to season. The big difference is that the program grid only shows 2 days worth of shows. You also have a programming guide, simular to Netflix that shows 30 days of all the upcoming shows for your extended scheduling. You can schedule shows to record from both the grid and the guide.

If you buy from Tablo, you have 30 days to return it if doesn’t meet your needs.

I have a 4 tuner model because we often record 3 shows at a time. I would consider a Duo Lite since I could add a second Duo Lite later if needed but then You would need a second harddrive also. You can switch between multiple Tablos on a network.