Where do I find a “How to”? Any reported issues with WD 500gb install or device?
A 500 GB drive is generally too small for this purpose.
A 1 TB drive should be the starting point.
I used a 500gb SSD for a while and it worked ok, but you may run out of room if you plan to keep the recordings (rather than deleting or settings a “keep last X recordings”).
There is a general setting to “Auto-delete recordings”, which will keep enough space free on the disk, but you’ll never know what older recording will be deleted!
That said, I agree with @Displeased , a 1tb or larger drive is best.
Edit:. Sorry, didn’t answer the OP’s question. There is probably a help doc on Tablotv.com, but you should be able to attach the drive (Tablo unplugged), power up, and be prompted to format the drive (via my.tablotv.com).
The only other advice is to check the drive manufacturer’s website to see if a firmware update is available (before installing on the Tablo).
You should have a Quick Start Guide
For lots of help, try here…
You weren’t specific as to what problem you’re having…or if you’re having a problem.
Integrating a drive with the Tablo is very easy and typically not problematic.
Typically, a WD drive shouldn’t be a problem but you should certainly consider more storage than 500 GB. Especially considering the cost of a 1 TB or 2 TB portable drive.
You might even consider a 1 TB SSD.
Capacity is relative to your needs and how you use your device.
I have a 2 tuner Dual Lite with a 320GB WD3200BEVT and a 4 tuner Quad with a 750GB WD7500BPVT but I don’t use my tablo’s for archiving a video library.
If you watch and delete with 2-tuners, it may work for you, personal choice. If you want to archive shows, you’ll want way more, then take into account recordings quality - Choosing the Right Live TV & Recording Quality Settings for your Tablo OTA DVR | Over The Air (OTA) DVR | Tablo
Tablo tech support told me 500gb would work. BTW - There is a very nice, very good app called ota2go in the Google Playstore. It downloads recordings from the Tablo disk to storage (mp4 format) on your Android device. Thus, one does not need a mega disk on one’s Tablo (that is if one is prudent and not lazy 'bout disk management). I watch something via Tablo and then decide to delete (bye!) or download and save as mp4 (besides, then it is also transportable). Less than one tb is much more Tablo disk space than I need.
B-BTW, there’s a “guest” tablo blog post by the developer:
and support topics devoted for it here
along with other Third Party Apps (Rippers etc.) 3rd party apps!
prudence could assist with becoming more pleased with their tablo experience.
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