New to Tablo, Everything works except Video on Fire Tablet

I finally cut the cord, running Sling for cable and Tablo for OTA. I can watch Sling and Tablo thru Roku Ultra box on my main system and on a bedroom Roku TV. I can watch Sling and Tablo on my Samsung Android phone. My problem is I can watch Sling on my Fire HD10, but I only get audio when trying to watch Tablo.
I know that there has been a lot of discussion on this topic, but I have not found the magic bullet to fix my issue. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

OTA is MPEG2 video and is basically pass through for tablo. Does your Fire HD 10 support MPEG2? FAST channels aren’t MPEG2 do they work?

Thanks for the reply, I checked into9 the supported formats and MPEG2 is supported. Checked the FAST channels and there is also no video, just audio.I also have VLC for Android, but I could not figure out how to route the Video/Audio streams from the Tablo app.