New Router/Modem

Switching out my modem and having a heck of a time trying to get the Tablo connected again. Been reading some blogs and they mention a ‘disconnect’ button on the lower left of the APP. I don’t see it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Sorry, I understand now where the disconnect is, but I can’t even get into the Tablo App anymore.

Which app are you trying to use to edit the WiFi credentials for your Tablo? You should be using a web or mobile app and the Tablo should be blinking when you’re making the change.

If it’s not blinking, hit the reboot button and it should pop back into its WiFi access point mode.

Thanks for the reply. Been using Tablo for many, many years and wasn’t able to get it connected to my new modem since yesterday and it drove me crazy. However, I pulled the plug for a couple of hours and I just now was able to connect after being without for 24 hours. I’m good to go, I think!

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Good! Don’t hesitate to touch base with support if something changes.

Awesome! after “many, many years” as a tablo user… you’re still offering free support! Regardless if a user does/not pay for any subscription service!

While some users are grumbling for predictions that NextGen TV if/when a tablo device become available, will follow the same life-line for guide data as the current program – because… they’ve paid and they are entitled to it? …and all the free firmware, app updates and continued tech support.