New Recordings Slow To Update

Last night I checked to see if Gracepoint had been recorded.  It aired 9:00 to 10:00 pm.  I checked after midnight, and it did not show.  This morning it is listed.  Why would the Tablo unit not report out what is currently recording (usually does) under Recordings, yet alone not show it until hours later.

What client were you using to check the Tablo? Maybe it’s not sync’ing properly with the Tablo.

My guess is that the cache on your client was delayed in updating…

I checked with Chrome, as recommended.  Two hour cache?  Chrome was not already up; I launched it to check.  I always watch the steps from Connect through the end point before I try to do anything, so Sync was over.

When a recording starts recording, it is immediately listed in recordings for me. This allows me to start a show after 15 minutes so I can FF through commercials. I get the show listed right now on the iPad, iPhone and Roku. I rarely use the browser on the computer but I’ve never noticed it there missing recent recordings.

Haven’t noticed that. (ipad and windows with chrome)

The problem is the worst kind: random and intermittent.

Is your Tablo connected wirelessly by chance?


@oldmike Hm. That certainly is intermittent. I know this doesn’t help you now - but if it happens again, let me know right away, and we can take a look at it.

Seems to not be a problem now.

I don’t know if this applies to your situation.  I access my Tablo recordings through Roku.  I have noticed that if I am currently in the recordings tab of the Tablo channel on my Roku, new recordings that started since I opened the tab do not show up in the listing, but if I back out of the recordings tab and then select it again, anything new that has started recording will now show up in the list.


That is normal and expected behaviour for the Tablo Roku channel. It does not dynamically update. Only when you go into the recordings.

Yes, I figured this, and it doesn’t bother me.  I just thought that might be why the original poster did not see his recording listed until the next morning.  When he was checking the list that night, he might have already been in the recordings tab since before the recording started, and that was why it did not appear on his list.  The next morning it appeared because he had backed out of the tab so his list updated.  Just a thought. 

Good thought!

I too see this somewhat unexpected behavior (as the original poster).  It is also very annoying to see different results on different devices - all using Chrome and the Roku 3 I have.  Each device seems to have a different view of the world.  I am unclear on why the current recording list is not dynamically pulled form the Tablo when I refresh the page or enter the recording page.  It just does not make sense form a usability perspective.  Incidentally the Android and iOS apps do the same thing - different results on different devices. 

@roberttco Depending on how long you’ve had (and been using) the Tablo, I’d recommend a re-sync on all of your devices just make sure that you’re using a clean slate.

You can delete the Tablo from the iPad, clear the cache on your Chrome browser, and uninstall and reinstall the Roku channel from this link to make sure everything is updated when it re-syncs. Let me know if you continue to see inaccuracies afterwards!
I too see this somewhat unexpected behavior (as the original poster).  It is also very annoying to see different results on different devices - all using Chrome and the Roku 3 I have.  Each device seems to have a different view of the world.  I am unclear on why the current recording list is not dynamically pulled form the Tablo when I refresh the page or enter the recording page.  It just does not make sense form a usability perspective.  Incidentally the Android and iOS apps do the same thing - different results on different devices. 

Maybe it’s because we only have a few dozen recordings, but each device I access shows the exact same recordings. I don’t have to do anything different, weird, strange or unexpected. And I don’t always use them the same each time - sometimes I disconnect prior to leaving the web app on the device, sometimes I don’t and simply exit the web app - which of course on Android phones or a PC is simply back button out or on a PC, close the browser. 
I can hit the recordings page on any device and it shows our recordings properly.