New Feature Integrated

I just asked Tablo to integrate a “last channel” feature. Seems like an easy add.

Does anyone else feel this would be a handy feature?


Absolutely! Especially since changing channels is so multi-stepped and klugy. This feature exists in the OG Tablo, but it’s baffling why some OG features didn’t get into the Gen4 product.

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That would be nice. The Tablo is good for a lot of things, but no so much for channel-surfing. This is especially true for Roku setups. Some of the Android-based systems; ONN, Fire…, will allow you to click down while watching live and see what is on adjacent channels.


Thank you for the reminder on the Fire Stick…I forgot about this feature. I’ll just add that it should be made cross-platform. I really like the Roku style on the OG Tablo - press the up button and the on-screen guide appears with the ability to surf the mini-guide and select a different channel or go to previous channel. Very nice feature and simple for the end-user.

Well, the Guide OSD is still working but the previous channel appears to be gone now. It was at the bottom of the Guide OSD.


Here’s two suggestions / feature requests. The up and down arrows on the Roku Remote are completely unused when watching live TV on Tablo gen 4 (Tablo TV) app.

  1. Map the DOWN arrow to recall the last channel viewed. Killer feature during football season when flipping between two games, for example.

  2. Map the UP arrow to pull up an opaque view of the channel guide. This allows us to browse what’s on without leaving the show we are watching.

Hope others see value in these two features as well. Love the device so far. These two features would put it over the top.

Talking about the up/down arrows that surround the “OK” on the remote:


< OK >


Same as this request?


Moving this thread into that one so we can get a good measure of this request.

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