New Channel Scan

If I do a new channel scan will it erase my show/hide settings for the channels?

No, channel visibility shouldn’t change

The Tablo units do not retain previously found channels.
Depending on weather conditions and other factors, performing a new scan might get you the same channels, extra channels, less channels.

Or different channels.

A new scan will not change the show/hide sellection of a channel. That info is retained for good reasin. It would be painful to go thru the scan results and select each channel that we want to make visible in the guide with every scan.

In a related question: If a rescan is due to a station moving to a new RF channel, does that require reselecting anything? Or does it just base everything on the PSIP number. I ask as here in Chicago, WBBM is moving from RF12 to co-channel with WGN on RF19. The subs will be scattered across 3 other stations. RF12 will be the ATSC 3.0 lighthouse.

I had one move 43 days ago so I had to re-scan gen 4, legacy’s, and others. I kind of remember having to re-select and saving the legacy and the gen 4. Virtual channel numbers are tied to real RF’s.

Legacy reselect, 4th gen remembers