I don’t know if this has been requested before, but it would be nice if the Tablo v4 had the ability to automatically switch from Ethernet to WiFi and back instead of the manual method.
What I’m thinking is, since the Tablo v4 uses the Ethernet connection by default if it is connected, it then should use the always configured WiFi setup when the Ethernet isn’t connected. That way the WiFi would be a failover when there isn’t an Ethernet connection. In other words, the device just turns on/off the configured WiFi interface depending on whether an Ethernet connection is available.
I recently had a power outage, and I have the Tablo v4 connected to a UPS so that I could access it in emergencies, and so that it could continue recording anything during power outages. However, since I had it connected to Ethernet, and the distant mini-switch it was connected to isn’t connected to a UPS. So, I had no access to the Tablo v4 obviously. In this situation, it would have been nice if the Tablo v4 would have just switched over to the WiFi connection when the Ethernet connection wasn’t available. So, I’m now just running it on WiFi. What a waste of a perfectly good Ethernet port.