wont work

Havn’t been able to get on mytablo site on my windows 10 computer since i upgraded to 10.
It connects to the table but when u choose a station it just spins.

Are you using the Chrome browser?

@scarbrs - Try deleting the Tablo from the list (click the red X) and doing a fresh sync. Don’t worry, it won’t erase any of your recordings or schedules.

And yes, also make sure you’re using Chrome.

Tried that already. And yep using chrome. :sweat_smile:

@scarbrs - Do you have a VPN on your computer? Or something like the Hola extension?

I had the same problem with on the chrome browser, suggestion was made to me to use the new beta webapp which cured my problems. I am also a beta tester for 2.2.11, that may have made the difference for me…

I do not have a VPN im not sure what a Hola is!
Im on the lates version 2.2.11 html 1.0.28.
I snyced on both my computer and no go.

@scarbrs - Ah, 2.2.11 requires a special web URL. If you’re not part of the regular beta team this should have been provided to you when the support team updated your Tablo with the beta load.

What is that speical web site?

@scarbrs - I’ll send you a PM with the URL.

i’m part of the beta team but didn’t get the website to log on. my wifes laptop won’t play tablo videos either. please send my the new website. thanks

PLease PM me the link too. I have the beta (through support emails), and never received the link.

I am part of the beta program also, but I do not have the special URL. Can someone from tablo please message me with the special URL?


Its not needed anymore, they pushed the code from the special beta link to the production url of :