with Chrome cannot find my tablo, but iPad connect just fine

My iPad can connect to my tablo and play shows.  But, when I use Chrome, it cannot find my tablo.  It just shows the “Connect to Tablo” with the “Select a Tablo…” drop down option.  When click on the drop down, I don’t see my tablo anymore and selecting “Re-scan” doesn’t find my tablo either.

What’s going on?

@Ackbar there was some DNS issues this morning and should be fixed, but may take some time to propagate

@Jestep @Ackbar as of noon CDST I am continuing to experience this problem.

@JohnT could be how long your DNS providers are taking to refresh…

Don’t forget to restart your browser

If you are running windows try clearing your DNS cache as well  ipconfig /flushdns
if you are on mac

@ackbar - Sorry for the issues. Things seem to be mostly resolved at this time. @Jestep’s advice is good. 

I’ve already cleared my DNS cache, restarted the browser, cleared the browser cache.  I’m using Google’s DNS server,
and  Still waiting to find my tablo.

@Ackbar is it working now? Both google DNS servers return valid values. What Router are you using? Is it cached??? Mine was on Airport Extreme




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I just tried it now, finally can see my tablo, but wouldn’t connect.  Something about the authenticate failed.  Cleared browser history and reload about 4 or 5 times with either that authenticate failed or cannot connect.

Now it is syncing.

This is interesting too, I use OpenDNS and this is what I see for LA

Still unable to connect here.

Using Chrome, unable to connect.

I use opendns and it was working then wasn’t, but is working again.  Did godaddy mess up?

+1 for the new syncing animation with the show posters!

I am having the same problem Ackbar describes above, except I can’t say “now it is syncing.”  The web-based app can find the 4-tuner but can’t connect due to authentication failure.  This persists using multiple DNS options despite multiple Chrome wipes and restarts.  The Roku and tablet apps work fine. 

Any ideas?

Edit: finally got it working with Comodo.

Edit 2: It sopped working an hour after Comodo worked.  Weird stuff.  Not sure what to do.

Cleared history, cache, cookies, authetications in Chrome, did one button reset on Tablo.  Nothing.

Message: There was a problem establishing an authenticated session with your Tablo. This could be due to either authentication or internet connectivity issues.  This is the first time I’ve had problems in over six months.  Very strange.  
Stinks this is happening over the weekend with no one to support.
Stinks this is happening over the weekend with no one to support.

I think they are working on it - at least, they are twittering the DNS issue isn’t resolved yet.

Half of the team is working on this issue as we speak. Seems to be up now for a lot of folks but Comcast users are still affected since they have private DNS servers. Hoping it will be back for everyone soon. 

Was still not working (8PM EDT) with my U-Verse connection and the AT&T DNS servers.

Switched to Google’s public DNS addresses ( and and everything works fine.  Evidently the change has not propagated to AT&T’s DNS servers yet.

Update -  AT&T DNS servers resolving ok today (Sun, 9/28/14).

Glad to hear it’s sorted out @mbellaire.